Does this happen to your corgis? Sometimes Charlie is just not in the mood for a walk. We have a one-mile walk from our house (I think it's ok for a 3,5 month old puppy). I usually take him there once a day. At the week-ends, however, I can take him for a walk twice a day. And he does not always want to go. He sits down on the ground every few yards, he looks very.. pensive, if I can say so. And I have to make him to go.

This morning we were able to do it just a half-way, and I said "Okay, if you are not in the mood, let's go home". That's where he became very happy, and ran home at the maximum speed. When we got home, he ran in circles around the house, bite his toys, and seemed very happy to be home.

He was not scared at the walk, he was not tired, he has not had any bad encounters before. It was just not his regular walk hours. But when I was buying a dog, I had an assumption that dogs are always willing to go for a good walk, and a happy dog is a tired dog.

So, how do your fur-kids behave at the walk? Are they always happy and willing to go?

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OK, this is an update. Charlie become 4 months old yesterday. And, I decided to take him for a longer walk, since he is such a grown-up dog now :).

We have several places we visit usually during the walk: The River (which is actually, a little narrow creek), The Bridge (same size), The Mountain in the Woods (a small hill), and The Hill (even smaller hill).

Charlie never liked going up The Mountain. It usually took us three "come" commands (with the treats, of course) to get there. And some waiting on my part. And.. more waiting. But a few days ago I found a powerful remedy to get him there. All I needed to do is just encourage him all the way up, like "Charlie is such a good boy! Charlie is a big boy! So strong! Charlie likes mountains and rivers! Charlie is going to be a Great Hiking Corgi soon!"

Important: not to start laughing, because then he stops and looks up at me with a puzzled expression at his "face".

It took us just about 4-5 minutes to get to The Summit for the first time, and I use it every time now. It works!! :)

And yesterday, we did our usual routine, and made a circle. And I decided to take it longer, and walk approximately same distance by the sidewalk along the local road.

It turned out, that Charlie was able to make another mile without any difficulty! May be he just prefers paved ways?

He also played fetch for an hour when we came back home. Very energetic! Now I am getting anxious about which amount of exercise I will need to provide when he is like.. 8, 10, 12 months old? :)


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