Does my corgi looks like a full breed pembroke?

Our Corgi's name is Ein, he's 7 1/2 months old. This morning my boyfriend and I realized that his legs are really long for a corgi. Last week I saw a full grown corgi that is shorter. He is also able to jump on high things, over 3 ft high. He loves to jump up to our bed with no problem and jumping off it. I was wondering if anyone can help me figure this out. We still love him no matter what but we would like to know if the breeder that we got him from lied to us or not. Any thoughts would be much appreciated =)

Thank you all for the responses.

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Our babies have legs even a little bit longer than your little Eins' - they're like the supermodels of corgis. :)

Every time someone lays eyes on them, they say "Are you sure they're full blood Corgis?" in a way that seems to imply I've been "taken" by a disreputable breeder. One of the things I liked about the breeder we got them from is that she was more humane and more inclined to love the breed in general, and not as concerned with doing away with certain attribute variants just b/c they varied from AKC standard. 

Don't get me wrong - I love the short, stubby little Corgis! :)   But I love my little guys too, even though they don't look like your standard example of the breed. And I love seeing those old photos of Queen Elizabeth with the longer-legged Corgis. Thanks for postng 'em!

Looks pretty much like Lando Oliver who is 3 and around 21 pounds. LO can and will jump on the bed and does all kinds of crazy jumping and twisting while playing fetch. This is an old post so I have probably posted before on it.....LOL Bootsie on the other hand could not possible jump on the bed.

I think even well respected breeders can occasionally have a leggy corgi, it happens. A breeder on another site I visit owns a farm and actively works her dogs, and she intentionally breeds for a slightly longer legged dog. It can also happen very easily when someone breeds two dogs together without considering their structural weaknesses. 


Supposedly an early neuter/spay can also create a more leggy looking dog, but from what I've read the difference should be negligible. Either way I don't think being a bit leggy is going to have any impact on their health or anything like that.

He looks pretty corgi'ish to me.  He's also adorable!
Looks like 100 %  corgi to me and Dino. Even if he is not how can you not love the baby?
Did he grow into his looks!? Arrow looks so tall right now at 7 months.
My corgi has long legs as well. I even questioned the breeder if he was purebred or not because they are so long compared to the "normal" stubby legs. She said she doesn't know why.


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