My Corgi ,Katie is eating and sleeping as usual. The one big  change is her pooping. When once she would make sure she was in the gravel area set aside for her she now poop on the walk ways and even the welcome mat at the door. She seems to have lost her ability to hold it in or she does not really care where she poops. This only bothesr me because I think it might be a sign of aging. Should I be concerned or just let her be since he eats, plays and sleeps as usual.

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Noodles, who is 13, has had issues with going in the house. It's almost like he doesn't feel it because then he looks upset. I've never gotten mad at him. I just know that I need to make sure he goes to prevent the accidents from happening. Noodles does have severe arthritis, so I don't know if that plays a role. He's using wheels now as he no longer has the use of his back legs. Me personally, I'd say it's a sign of aging.

My corgi, Katie, is 14.5 and she is having bladder issues.  Just little leaks here and there.  I don't think she realizes she has to go until it's too late.  We tried doggie depends but they don't stay on and she is miserable with them on.  I just make sure she goes out a lot more often than she use to. Change my socks a lot when I hit a wet spot and spend a fortune on Simple Solution (PetSmart) to clean up the spots.

Alison....years ago we had a mixed breed, rott & shep, and he had the same issue.  Spoke with the vet and it was determined that his arthritis was causing the problem.  He didn't realize he had to go until it was too late.  Rascal was 12 at the time.  Definitely a sign of aging and if he is a wheelie dog than that makes it even harder for him.

Bless you both for loving them enough to deal with the aging problems as long as they are not in pain.

Thank you, Linda. Noodles has taken a turn for the worse in regards to pain. I had to take him into the ER vet last night and he has an appointment with his vet at 3 today. Poor guy is in a lot of discomfort, even on additional pain meds. Praying it's nothing too serious.

Alison....hope you can update us on how it went at the vets.

Noodles was diagnosed with IVDD. He was given more medication and now is on strict confinement for 3 weeks. Thank goodness he's feeling better with being on the pain meds. He's currently sleeping next to me. I'm praying for a good night sleep. Vet sounds very positive he will recover from this.

Alison....My Max (he crossed the Bridge 2 years ago at age 13) was diagnosed with IVDD in his neck when he was 8.  He was in so much pain and meds just didn't cut it.  I was on the verge of having to make a decision. A friend suggest acupuncture.  What did I have to lose...she gave me the name of an acupuncture vet in the next town over.  Not impressed the first session but then I saw a slight difference the 2 one.  Within 2 weeks (we went a couple times a week to start) I saw a huge difference.  Max was is old self, in fact he acted younger than he had in quite awhile.  He was also on an herbal supplement that I mixed with his breakfast.  I was stunned at how the acupuncture helped him.  After the initial problem was taken care of we went every 6 weeks for a "tune up".

I was so impressed I started going for acupuncture....not to the vet tho LOL.  I have a fusion in my lower back, pain meds and pain shots were not helping like they use to.  Same with me, first several treatments so-so but then it really kicked in.  The most I may take for discomfort now is an Aleve.  I go every 6 weeks for a tune up.  I also have neuropathy in my feet from the back surgery and I also have diabetes.  I've been going for 7 years and have no plans on stopping.

I hope this first-hand info will be of help.  I went because of my dog...Max didn't know it was suppose to help him, he just felt better.  That is what impressed me.

ETA:  If you can search back in my posts you will find where I posted about this several times over the years.

I hope Noodles is doing better. i remember the many posts by Linda about Max and his success with acupuncture.  Definitely worth a try if you have access to a Vet acupuncturist.


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