Anyone out there an animal behaviorist?? In another forum "dogster" the discussion came up about FRAP ing and whether or not it is instinctual in herding breeds. It's so common among corgis I thought I'd ask you all.

FRAP (Frantic or frenzied acts of random play) are when the corgi does the figure eights around the furniture or bushes outside, ears laid back and seemingly possessed. There are very tight turns, full out running, turning in one direction several times, stopping and then doing several laps in the opposite direction.

When I was doing research on the breed, everyone spoke of it and every corgi owner I know, said their puppies did it. Timmy still does it to this day, but some others have stopped as they grew older. Anyway, wondering if anyone knows if this is part of a play behavior, sign of stress (I have my doubts), or just another way of getting attention? Does anyone know if this behavior has ever been seen in wild canids? References to articles or body of knowledge would be helpful.


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I grew up with Golden Retrievers, and none of them FRAPed. I have a cat who does this, even as he gets into the 'golden years'. I always thought it was hysterical watching him run around frantically. It's even funnier to see Vash do it, his little stumpy legs moving faster than light, running circles around our coffee table, then taking off down the hall (usually chasing after the cat). I have noticed that since getting the dog, my cat seems to do this less, which makes me a bit sad. But at least I have one animal who still enjoys a good FRAP :) Regardless of what causes them to do it, I'm just glad they do- it brings a smile to my face every time!
Corgwyn are a gift of the fairies.
Frapping is when they're giving a fairy a ride.
I thought everybody knew that. What do you the "saddle mark" is for? :-)
I'm amused and enthralled....please elaborate
I don't know.. but our 16 mo old female does it ! its a riot to watch !
I like your description of the frap, John......
Me too. I think it is very charming!
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This is my favorite Frappy-frap-frap-frapping ever!
I wish I could have video taped Lance frapping last night, wow watch out he was on a roll, ready to knock over the standing flood lamp.....he had endless was so cute to has been awhile since he has had a good frap.....darn....should have taped it!
flood should read....floor lamp!
John Wolf, you inspired me to make another movie... Thank you! I loved the idea of Fairy Riders. Fortunately, I have my own fairy forest.

Rabbit is so lucky to have such a beautiful yard to play in! He should see my Southern-California-dead-grass-and-clay yard!

Beautiful song and video, too. Got a little dizzy, tho, LOL!
When Tucker, our four year old lab/pittbull/?? mix, gets in a mood, he fraps. Which delights Ein to no end because Tucker is favorite sheep to chase. We don't call it fraping, we call it "Tucker's playing sheep", lol. Colleen, our three year old collie, frequently spins in circles and has a ton of fun running around, but I woudln't say she fraps. She's just still a puppy at heart and loves to run. Ein, our four year old Pem, still fraps. Definitely not a sign of stress in either of my dogs. Tucker almost always fraps outside. I very rarely see him get that kind of energy inside. He seems to frap when he's especially happy and playful. Ein is just Ein. There's no rhyme or reason to anything he does.


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