My corgi has been displaying many signs of aggression. He barks at the cat and kids all the time and he is impossible to walk because he pulls so much when we get around other people or dogs. He recently has started lunging at children and has attacked the family cat. I am unsure of how to correct this aggressive behavior.

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My corgi is sometimes hard to walk also. If we see another dog on our walk she barks and pulls like crazy. It gets kind of embarassing when you see the same people see you and turn and go the other way because they know your dog cannot behave. A few months ago I hesitantly went to the dog park. I was really afraid to bring her in, but was encouraged by a friend who assured me that dogs act differently off the leash and she was right. My dog who constantly barks at these 2 poodles in our neighborhood, does not bark or have any problems with them at the dog park or any other dogs for that matter. I thought it was strange, but it gives me hope. Good luck!


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