Do your Corgis snore while they are asleep? My big boy, Augie snores so loudly!! He sleeps in his crate, his head propped on a pillow. Sometimes he is on his back, sometimes on his side. If he is really tired out, we can hear him upstairs. I don't think it's a problem, I just wondered if you dogs also snore.

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YES, Caleb snores! He comes to work with me, and we share an office with another guy who has sent me a couple of instant messages when I had my headphones on at my computer and couldn't hear anything that said: "Caleb is sleeping on his back with his feet stuck in the air and snoring again!" I guess watching me work is very tiring for a little corgi.

He also does the whole woofing and twitching in his sleep thing - he doesn't stay asleep for long though, he wakes up when he hears me snickering at him.
Yes KC snores. She has just started this in the past few weeks, and making the little corgi noises more often. My husband and decided that when she was fixed they must have pushed the on button! She hardly ever made noises until right after she came home from the vet. Now she makes them all the time and snores like crazy at night.
Yes, All the time.
Same here, our older dog snores all the time, and makes some weird barking noise. Has kept me awake at times:P
Emma snores, but not every night. I love it. She sleeps in her crate on my side of the bed and I look at her from time to time and say how cute she is.

Sometimes she whines or whimpers in her sleep whens he's having a dream. I always wake her up if I hear that because I feel like she's scared or something and I want her sleep to be peaceful.


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