This could be long, so I apologize in advance. I'm hoping someone here may have insight into what we are experiencing with our 3 year old....

About 8 weeks ago, she had an "episode" where we were playing at the park, she was waiting for the ball to be thrown to her (perfectly still), and all of a sudden she started screaming (as though someone stepped on her paw or something) and running as fast as she could through the park. Fortunately, this is a park where we go all the time and she ran down our normal path for about a mile before tiring out and stopping in the middle of the trail to wait for us to catch up. We took her to the vet who assumed she was stung by a bee or got a foxtail caught in her paw and thought that was the end.

Then, almost 3 weeks later, another episode. We were at home, standing in the living room (this time kicking her legs as she does when she wants a toy out of her box), and she started again. Screaming in pain, trying to run out of the house (out the door, through the window - she tried it all). We caught her and tried to calm her down (and calm ourselves down - it's very scary). She had 3 of these episodes within an hour, so we were off to the emergency vet (10pm). The ER vet examined her and said it seemed like a back problem of some sort (disc maybe) and that she's trying to run away because all she knows is that she is hurt and doesn't know what's doing it. So she's trying to get away from the pain. We took her to our regular vet the following day, had X-rays done, etc. Turns out she has an extra vertebra (I understand that is not completely uncommon), but he put her on a course of prednisone and muscle relaxers along with crate rest for 3 weeks.

She finished the crate rest last week and was starting her 15 minute walks around the block - once a day - when she had yet another episode at home again (she's terrified of our living room right now!!). Currently, the vet has her on the course of prednisone and muscle relaxers, along with crate rest again.

I'm thinking it's time to get a second opinion (although I guess it would be a third since we've seen both the ER vet and our regular vet), and wonder if any of you have thoughts on other tests we could have performed to give us more insight into what is going on. It's devastatingly sad to watch such a vibrant, young dog be crated for so long and obviously we want to make sure we're doing everything we can to help her. Have any of you been through this before???

Thanks for any ideas or stories you might be able to share!

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First I cant belie no one has responded to your post. I am soooo sorry your Corgi is going thru this. I would get a third opinion.See if you can find a vet that specializes in back problems. I wish you the very best and will be in my prayers.
Does she have episodes in the crate ever? Is it completely activity related?
Im sorry to hear abuot Chloe being in so much pain, is she doing better?
Chloe, I'm so sorry your little girl is going through this. Have there been any additional episodes since Oct. 20? How scary for all of you. I would suggest taking her to the closest veterinary school hospital unless there is a specialist nearby. I would think in San Francisco there would be options. I wonder if there would be non-traditional treatments--accupuncture or massage therapy perhaps that could help prevent the "episodes" . I'll be thinking of all of you. We have never had something like this happen. Fergie went through a temporary paralysis when she was five months old,She exhibited episodes of pain at first, nothing like you described, but she recovered quickly. She had slight swelling around one of her vetebrae with no real idea of what caused it. I just remember the prednisone gave her the worst gas ever.Good luck to you.
Great advise. My female had some major back problems was able to get help through a university vet school.
Has anyone heard from her on how her baby is doing?
Thanks to everyone that has responded to my's been a very trying few weeks. The attacks started coming more and more often, so we decided it was absolutely time to see the neurologist. We met with him last week (she even had two "attacks" while we were in his office) and his exam leads him to believe we're dealing with a large slipped disc. Unfortunately, since the crate rest the past 6 weeks or so now has not helped her we're left with only the option of surgery. UC Davis is where we are hoping to have it done, but they have very few "non-emergency" surgical appointments so we're probably looking at the first of the year before she can get in. The good news is the neurologist says if all we are dealing with is the slipped disc (and they will not know that until the MRI which is done just before going into surgery) the success rate of the surgery is around 95% for a dog her age. That gives us lots of is a very expensive surgery (over $5,000) but knowing the great success rate and quick recovery time expected made it an easy decision to move forward.

I appreciate all the concern...I'll keep you posted on how she is doing. For now, we're trying to find creative ways to keep her occupied while she is in the crate :) Fortunately, she is a very happy dog still and loves being in her crate so that is a blessing!
Thanks for the update Chloe, will keep y'all in my prayers.
Chloe, All the best as you wait for the surgery. A Vet School hospital is a great option. Chloe will get a lot of individual attention while she is there. Lots of eager students and some of the most experienced veterinarians to care for your baby girl. We had a very good experience with the Iowa State Vet school for Fern's surgery--not the same surgery, but a unique one. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. It is amazing what dogs can teach us about being sick or injured.
Good luck with the surgery and keeping her occupied....good to hear she is still in good spirits. I will also keep you in our prayers.


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