Hi all,

I have finally decided to get another corgi for scraper to play with. Scraper is a boy, and I'm not sure whether to get a boy or a girl. Do you any of you know which would be better? I'm afraid that if i get another boy Scraper will have territorial issues, but I think it would be so cute to have a boy & girl corgi, like a couple!

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For some reason I am partial to boy furbabies. Rexx didn't like LO at first (both are boys, Rexx is a lab mix) but after a while they seem to be getting along better. I have heard that is better to get the opposite sex though.
I've read that it is best to get a boy and a girl. A girl and a girl isn't the best, especially if neither are spayed. But, a boy and a boy can work, if they are both neutered. We've just got out second male corgi a week ago Saturday. They are close in age (Ein is 8 months and Ed is 1 year), so they play together. They are still working out who is top dog, probably because of their closeness in age. The first thing Ed did when we got him in the house was to mark everything, but he has since stopped doing that (we had to follow him around with a shaker bottle and petzyme for the first few days) Ed was neutered late, so that could be part of our problem. I guess that the best thing to do, is to make sure both are neutered. But, wherever you pick up the second dog, see if Scraper gets along with them okay in a neutral area (no growling and willing to let you pet both at the same time). Whether it is a boy or a girl, I'm sure they will eventually get along. But, be prepared that the first couple of weeks might be hard on all of you.
If you really want to get another pup, i rather you choose a female one because if there are two males on the same household, both will fight for territoriality.
If they are both fixed, then no, they will most likely not fight for territoriality.
Female to female agression can occur, especially if niether are spayed. Two males can be just fine, as can a male and a female.
What kind of tempermant is your dog? Typically if you have a very assertive dog, then you will want to pick a dog thats a bit more on the submissive side.
Bring your dog with you to the breeder, see which puppies he gets along with best.
thanks everyone for your opinion! I may go see some puppies this weekend :]
If you are having both of your dogs neutered or spayed then sex shouldn't really matter. I love the males and 2 ultered males should be fine. I have 2 intact males and 5 intact females all living in the home w/me. The only time there is alarm on being over protective w/them is when a female is in season.

Growing up I normally always had males and they were neutered and never had issues w/it. Even female w/female.
Don't get another boy. I had morgan (boy) first. Then I thought he needed a brother so i rescued mitchell (boy). they were great together until mitchell grew up. now they have to be kept separate all the time. so sad... :(


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