Do any of you own the purple Dyson vacuum (the animal)? I seem to remember hearing that it is a good vacuum and effective against corgi fur. Costco is selling them for only $349, which sounds like a great deal to me. Before I commit I was looking for reviews from other corgi owners.

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Sorry, I cant give a review of the Dyson as I do not own one, I hear they are suppose to be great though, but when they were 500.00, I just thought that was insane. 349.00 seems better but hopefully they will come down in price from there. Right now I have a Bissell Lift off vacuum, I love the fact that you can detach the vacuum to vaccum the stairs. It is amazing how much hair it picks up as well!! I have the bagless kind, which I loved especially because corgis shed so much, I didnt have to worry about having bags on hand. I am now wondering though that I may want vacuum that is bagged in case we ever have to deal with flea infestations, I wouldnt think the bagless kind would be good for fleas. Well maybe I cant put the Dyson on my list for Santa! Sorry I couldnt give any review on it. It will be interesting to hear what others have to say though.
OMG! GET ONE! I have a Dyson 14, not the Dyson 7 animal.The only difference I see betweenthe two is you get a mini-turbo attachment. Just be ready to be dragging the trash can behind you so you can dump the canister. They are fantastic! What is even more extraordinary, is the fine dust it picks up. When I got mine and started using it, nothing is safe from it. I've swept the ceiling (stupid textured stuff) to get rid of the dust and cobwebs my other sweeper couldn't reach. I clean the top of the ceiling blades with it so much easier. It has been the best sweeper I've ever owned! The price is pretty good also. The refurbished Dyson 7 on Overstock is $399 and the brand new one is $499. The Dyson 14 like I have is $399. You'll never regret the price you paid.
The Bissell Lift off vacuum also picks up the fine dust, I was just amazed when I vacummed with it for the first time, amazing, especially since I used to use the bag kind and you couldnt see all the dust. It really makes you want to keep vacumming. The Bissell and Dyson sound like they are pretty similar in quality. Have fun with your new Dyson! : )
The Bissell Lift Off is the vacuum that I've had my eye on, glad to know it's a good one! I couldn't imagine spending over $300 or even over $200 for a vacuum!
Kelly, I really do love is awesome! : )
LOVE THE DYSON ANIMAL VACUUM!!!! I have a long haired domestic cat before we got Spencer....its amazing!!!!!!!

(can you sense my excitement??!) :-)
The best vacumI ever found for pet hair is an orek. Picks up everything!
I have heard Orecks are good too!
Hey Geri, you can get one for under $150 now, check this site for deals
I love my Dyson. It does pick up anything! I have the Animal and I love the attachments, especially the fur one. I have owned mine for almost five years and I have never had a problem. I suggest Dysons to anyone who is looking for a new vacuum.
I have one and Merlin LOVES it. Honestly, he thinks that it is his big expensive toy. Immediately after dinner every night he goes nuts barking and crying at the closet door wanting the Dyson to come out and "play" with him. I guess you can say that Merlin loves herding it around, barking at it, and rescuing his squeaky toys from it.

Okay, so that is Merlin endorsement.

I personally think that it is as great as Merlin does. It is great at picking up corgi fluff and all kinds of dirt and other stuff. I love the canister part too 'cause it is really easy to empty.

That's my endorsement to go with Merlin's.
Love this vacuum! I have had mine 2+ years, it still works as well as the day I brought it home. It easily picks up dog hair (way more than you think is in the carpet!), and is SO easy to's the iPod of the vacuum world. I would recommend it to others, it's by far the best vacuum I've ever used. As a previous post mentioned, get the DC has way more power. The hose and attachments make it easy to get the hair out of furniture or crevices around the house. Super good suction. I only have to rinse the filters 2x a year. If it catches on something (carpet strand), the sound will take about a year off your life, but nothing is being damaged. I personally do not let my dogs bark at, chase, and bite the vacuum b/c it's annoying and destructive, and they don't mind me getting the job done. They move out of the way, but aren't afraid of it.


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