Hello everyone. I am new here and looking for advice. I have an 11 month old Corgi (Jack) who started eating rocks a few months ago. Jack is our fourth Corgi and we have never seen anything like this.

At first we didn't think much of it but then it got worse, really bad. We combed the large yard for rocks, we raked, we dug and we swept. When I saw that he was passing more rocks (like pebbles) than food we went to the Vet. He had a full work up and was fine in every way. Plus, he eats like a typical little Corgi piggy so I know he's not hungry. BUT, yesterday I caught him digging a hole like he was mining for rocks....he found a ton!

The Vet suggested we muzzle him, and although we are reluctant, we feel it will be best to keep him safe and break him of this behavior. Does any one have any advice or experience they can share with me? I have Googled this to death and only come up with "your dog is bored". Could that be all? Help!

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My brother had a golden that ate rocks & dirt. They were told he was lacking something in his diet, not sure what that was though or if it is even true. I will have to ask them about that.
Hi Simi Corgi Girl, the best way to break him of this behavior is to introduce him to different activities like fetch, chase...etc. Most dogs engage in digging out of boredom, usually lack of exercise, you may want to boost his daily walk to 45 mins. Remember a corgi is a herding dog, it needs mental stimulation and a job :) Good luck!
The lady that works for my dad has a pitbull and he eats rocks and they had to pull them out of his bum because they were clogging his poop :)
One hint is don't barb-b-q over rocks. the meat juices drip on them and make the tasty
Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions!
Iron deficiencies can trigger this in animals (and people). You may want to explore this root cause.
Thank you, I had not heard this before and will look into it. :)
Putney recently ate a rock that didn't pass. I discovered a doggie enema cost $ 70.00. If this were a kid it would be called Pica. I suggest you muzzle him if you have to. We discovered that Putney's rock looked remarkably like kibble. Since she tastes nothing when she eats, I thought it was a one time thing. Short of cementing your back yard, I would think it would be good to stop this as a puppy.
Reinforcing the long-felt suspicion that a corgi will eat anything, anything.
True with one exception!! I tried to pawn off some left over green beans once and much to my surprise they were rejected. :) See pic.
Here I go again disclosing Parker's issues...he used to eat rocks from 4 to 6 months (lucky for us no damages)...our vet wanted to muzzle him as well. I couldn't and wouldn't muzzle him so I talked to my dog trainer and she suggested that try to keep an eye on him and once he goes for the rocks, correct this behavior - making a loud noise and get his attention and tell him no. We never keep leave our dogs outside without supervision since we live in a townhouse complex so it was easy to catch him in the act but it took time. Plus we started to exercise him (both dogs) more (1.5 to 2 hours a day - 3 hours during the weekends) and then one day he stopped. I think the correction and keeping him busy helped. Good luck.
I have had two dogs that ate dirt both started When I switched them to Iams dog food, I switched dog foods and both quit.


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