So I am in major need of advice. Kirby jumped off the couch tonight and must have landed wrong. He yelped loudly for about 30 seconds. Now he is limping around the house. I have been massagin his leg that he is limping on and he lets me touch it. Its not swollen and again he lets me touch it, so I do not believe that it is broken. I just want to help with the pain. I wanted to know if there is a safe amount of Baby Tylenol that I may give to him. I tried to google this but just come up with mixed answers. Any advice would help.

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I wouldnt think Tylenol is safe for animals. Call your vet in the morning or if it is really bad call an emergency vet for advice.
you can use ice packs for the pain.
No I wouldn't recommend it, I think only benadryl is safe for dogs, but that only makes them tired. Take him to the vet and they should give you something for the pain. Good luck!!
No. Tylenol is not safe for dogs. If they need help, you can buy buffered doggie aspirin at the pet store. Or buy low dose buffered aspirin at Wal-Mart. But be very careful.
No, do not feed your dog Tylenol! Acetaminophen in overdose can seriously damage the liver, even for human.
Hey, you can use Asperine 100, for 2 times a day a half pill. My Vet told me this against pain for my Corgi. I hope Kirby is getting better soon ...
How's Kirby?
Kirby is getting better. I went to the pet store and purchase k-9 aspirin. I give him half a tablet every twelve hours. Its day four and he is starting to try to walk on the leg again. Still limping but a lot better than he was. I believe it was a sprain. I just hope he gets better soon. Thank you for asking how he was :)
oh.. i didn't see your answer.. I'm so glad he is better. and you got the k-9 aspirin. that is what i have. it works really well on them and they like it. Gizmo was run over by a big lab when he was younger. He yelped so badly i though the lab had broken his leg. It turned out to be a sprain as well and it took two good weeks for him to stop intermittenly limping. it was sad to see him like that.. but he finally got all better. i hope Kirby will feel better soon!!
NO..NO TYLENOL..1/2 tablet aspirin for 28lbs...aspirin only no tylenol. You can use the 81 mg baby aspirin 2 x's a day for pain and swelling for non pregnant dogs.
I got our lab "dog aspirin" liver flavored at the pet smart. He has arthiritis and limps sometimes. It tells on the bottle for the weight of the dog how much to give. It has always helped him. I had heard that tylenol is very bad for dogs.- can cause bleeding and liver damage. I saw Sam's answer and he is exactly right. The aspirin for dogs was not that expensive and is a great thing to keep around just in case.
Thanks to everyone for your advice on my little Kirby. He seems to be getting a little better. Today he tried walking on the leg. He picked it up a little each time he walked like it still gave him a little pain...but it is far better than the actual hop that he had. I have been giving him a half of the k-9 aspirin every 12 hours along with a glucousamine biscuit each time (I figured those couldnt hurt since they are for joint support). I just hope my little guy gets better soon..


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