hello everyone,
This morning when I took Superstar to the bathroom, she started to squat around the neighborhood, and she hasnt even pooped or nothing. then she pooped and started the squatting again. do you think its her anal glands or she is too young to have them drained? shes 9 weeks old! i had some research and i didnt find anything about the age restrictions and anal glands.

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The anal gland merry go round is difficult. I had to take Henry somewhere to have his done about every 5 to 6 weeks. The vet was even recommending surgical removal, which made me really cringe. About 6 months ago I change him to a grain free diet, and the last time I had him in was about 2 weeks after the change. Henry's poo is much firmer on Evo and Instinct, therefore; his glands get expressed normally.
If you baby is having soft stool, I'd look at her diet and maybe add some marrow bone to help firm it up. Many people here suggest canned pumpkin (not the pie filling but pure pumpkin) but that didn't seem to help Henry. My vet also suggested using a small amount of metamucil, miralax or the like... I'd check it with your vet before trying.
As far as age, let better minds respond...
Hey Debbie, the way she squats its like she is sitting but she walks with her forelegs, and yes, she is on the poop position. She was de-wormed on 11/7/08, so i think she needs another de-worming by friday when i take her to the vet. thanks for the advice!
Yes, that is worm causing the anus to be itchy, don't worry, every pup had at least 1 time, get a dewormer and you should be fine!
Keep in mind that itching can also be a sigh on food allergies. The last time I feed Henry duck, he scooted and licked his bottom so much it was swollen and bright red. The vet gave him prednisone after an extensive exam and it all cleared up.


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