For the older pups, how did teething go for you? Any tips?
Any other pups currently losing teeth?

Caden has lost about 5-6 in the last week. Mostly his front teeth, top and bottom, no canines yet. I'm guessing they fell out outside or he swallowed them, haven't found any lying around. We're starting to notice he gets a bit frustrated and whiny when he is chewing on something hard, like a nylabone, antler chew, or a dehydrated sweet potato. He used to go nuts on his antler chew. I guess he forgets he can still use his back teeth. Poor guy.

We feed him kibble (Innova), but I started to add a bit of chicken broth or yogurt to his lunch, to soften the food, because he has definitely slowed down. He used to scarf down his bowl within 2 minutes. We have a chilly bone and few other toys we rotate in the freezer. We put ice cubes in his water. He'll usually grab it, run off, and chew the ice on the carpet. I also made chicken broth ice cubes which he devours instantly and we'll also give him some frozen green beans too. It seems like all of that helps.

Those are the tips and ideas we have, anyone have anything else?


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It is so cute to see the teeth wiggle then see later it's gone.
Hmm I never thought that they might have a hard time chewing/eating. Gibson has only lost 2 teeth so far, so I havent noticed any changes.. I'm interested to hear what others have to say about this...
Dude. She did this sitting

3 feet away from me. Please note her crew toy dropped below my irreplaceable 1950's vintage chair. I loved that chair. And now, it is just a memory...
Wowzers! We noticed that Caden had an affinity for our recliner so we decided to go with the bitter apple spray... even though that's considered negative reinforcement,... right? But after a few days in a row of spraying it, he hasn't gone near it in 2 weeks. Now we're spraying underneath the bed. All hope isn't lost, you can get the chair reupholstered in a few months. :)
Oh that poor chair!! Mine has managed to make a hole as wide as a silver dollar in my carpet. And, of course it is not in a place that I can hide it!!
I have a theory that the reason why they go for cloth and fibers is because it allows them to teethe with their front teeth, and pull the threads out one by one. I brought her rope toy back into play, so she can puuuuullll out those threads instead!
Put the chair for a while and have it redone.They can usually find a vintage material. you might like it even better.
Huh I haven't noticed LO chewing the furniture. He was 16 weeks on Monday.
Haha the other day little Bailey and I were coming back from her walk and she sneezed and two mollars flew across the sidewalk! So funny! She just looked at me like, "woopsies"
oh my goodness that's hilarious haha
That is Hysterical! & cute. Haha. I haven't noticed Ein's teeth falling out anywhere yet, but I have heard him making the occasional grinding noise with teeth I can't see, so I guess they're his lil' molars back there loosening...? He's 21 weeks old now! wow, where does puppy time go?! lol
My Chloe and I were playing tug with her rope toy when all of a sudden I noticed a little bit of blood on the rope. I stopped tugging and she looked at me momentarily like, "Why did you stop? That was fun!" Then she started licking towards the front of her mouth and out popped one of her baby canines. We've probably found 7 or 8 of her baby teeth, mostly in areas that she plays.


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