I know this has been discussed before, but I can't find the discussion. So I figured I'd bring it up again!

I just called my vet to get an idea of what it will cost me to get Penny spayed. She's only 4 months old, but it's in the back of my mind because we've run into some financial issues lately. I only spoke to the receptionist (or whoever was answering the phone) and she quoted me $241. It seems like a lot (and kind of a random amount), but I wouldn't have any idea what it should cost.

So what has everyone here paid to get their corgi fixed? Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

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Yikes!! Reese got spayed Thursday and it only cost us $50 total at the SPCA.
That does seem kinda steep but I'm not sure what is normal in your area. Maybe they added in all of the costs. Like I know when I called in about spaying a dog I used to have they quoted me the spay, the anesthia (sp? I know it's wrong but you know what I'm talking about..lol) and the pain meds for afterwards all seperate. I'm not sure.
I do know that you can usually get assistance for spaying and neutering from the local shelter sometimes.
If you have pet insurance, get a quote from your provider and bring that quote to Vet so you are not charge beyond what the policy will pay. We found that one out the hard way.

Our Vet was much more than our policy paid out... Live and learn.
Here in South Africa it cost me R1300 to have Bella spayed...that's about $130.
$241 sounds like alot!
We just got Vash fixed....

a whopping $640 later...his testicles never dropped so we were aware it would be a bit more expensive.
He had to stay overnight too, and of course the bloodwork was 'extra'...

sigh. But they are really nice at our current vet, and soooo close to the house, so I am hesitant to search for another.

(someone also told me that in this area, anything under $1000 is 'a deal' O.o)
Really, how am I to tell that his goonies have dropped. I am very confused at this neutering stuff.
Try friendsofanimals.com. They might have a vet in your area that will accept their coupon for spaying and it is very cheap. However, the vet will still charge you extra for the optional pre-op bloodwork so be aware of that.


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