For the older pups, how did teething go for you? Any tips?
Any other pups currently losing teeth?

Caden has lost about 5-6 in the last week. Mostly his front teeth, top and bottom, no canines yet. I'm guessing they fell out outside or he swallowed them, haven't found any lying around. We're starting to notice he gets a bit frustrated and whiny when he is chewing on something hard, like a nylabone, antler chew, or a dehydrated sweet potato. He used to go nuts on his antler chew. I guess he forgets he can still use his back teeth. Poor guy.

We feed him kibble (Innova), but I started to add a bit of chicken broth or yogurt to his lunch, to soften the food, because he has definitely slowed down. He used to scarf down his bowl within 2 minutes. We have a chilly bone and few other toys we rotate in the freezer. We put ice cubes in his water. He'll usually grab it, run off, and chew the ice on the carpet. I also made chicken broth ice cubes which he devours instantly and we'll also give him some frozen green beans too. It seems like all of that helps.

Those are the tips and ideas we have, anyone have anything else?


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We are going through theething with Max right now . His upper and lower front teeth are gone. Poor baby. Makes chewing difficult. Hadn't thought about frozen stuff. I think I'll try that.
Caden is 21 weeks now and I thought teething was continuous but we went 3 weeks without losing a tooth. And in the last 2 days he has lost 3 back teeth. He still has all his canines though. I was surprised when the vet told us that they start with 20 something puppy teeth and end up with 40 something adult teeth.
wow back teeth already?? Ill have to look out for that :) Gibson finally lost all his front teeth, but still has his baby canines. I'm also wondering if there is a set amount of teeth they are supposed to have...because Gibson has 5 teeth between his canines on the is right in the center. Seems kind of odd that they arent even?
I put alot of his toys in the freezer for awhile. Rope toys I wet down and freeze. if he has a kong I put a little peanut butter or homemade broth in it and then freeze it. My vet says not to use pre-made people broth because it's to salty.
Perfect! --------------Dot


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