Well we have had Annie since Nov. 30th and boy is she a little spitfire. She must have been the bully of the litter thats for sure cuz when she plays with my 10 month old corgi Spike she wont back down. Spike of course is a good boy and doesnt know what to do with her so he just lets her nip and bark at him. She gets into these growling fits that i dont know if she is playing or really growling at him but after we seperate them she goes up to him and licks his face, Then 5 minutes later she starts up again. She sure is a feisty 8 week old puppy. And she hates her collar she walks for a moment then stops and trys to get it off. We have been doing what all the puppy books say on the subject like taking it off and on during the day until she gets used to it. Spike was so much easier when he was a puppy. (LOL) We love her already :)

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Chelsey, Annie sounds like fun. :) It's hard to know exactly what the growling means without hearing it myself. Theo likes to growl when he plays too. I can tell he's just playing because I'm used to what his different growls mean. Sometimes he starts growling a bit more excitedly, and sometimes that triggers when he starts to play a bit rough. Usually I just look to see the other dog's reaction. If they get nervous or hesitant, I pull Theo away because obviously they're no longer just playing. If the other dog is happy and still playing along, then it just means they're both getting into it, and I don't worry about it. Just watch her closely and get used to her different behaviors. Good luck!
I understand female Corgis can be a little bossy from what a friend tells me of the one she has who now is a year old. Taffy(her Corgi girl) will lie down in front of the food bowls of the other two Corgi boys she has and dare them to come close or will jump in bed and growl if one of them wants to join. I guess it's just their nature but don't you love them? :) Have fun and let her be spoiled anyway.
She is a cutie! My little girl is now 9 1/2 months old and she is still the boss! The only one that she doesn't boss around is our old dog who is at least 10 years old. They will work it out. I am waiting to see how it goes when we bring home our new little guy at Christmas time. We have another puppy younger than KC but he has always been bigger than her and she still bosses him around.


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