Atlas did something pretty uncalled-for today, could use some advice

So Atlas and his newly (as of a month ago) adopted sister Scout are getting along great. We frequently have to get them to calm down, as we worry that their constant running around the apartment will bother the neighbors.
The only adjustment problem we've had with Atlas, is that he gets very jealous of Scout, when we come home and they both want to greet us.
That and he did something tonight that's he's never done, he peed in Scouts food bowl after she was done eating.
He hasn't had an accident in a very long time (at least three weeks or so) which is a big change for him because he usually would have a slip up a few times a month.
This was definitely not an "accident" they both finished eating, and he proceeded to lift up his leg and pee into the bowl (his aim was pretty good too I should add!)
Marking is a behavior we would definitely want to discourage, and if anyone has some tips on how to prevent this behavior it would much appreciated.

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I had to laugh because we have this issue with Cody (our 13 y.o.). And Moira likes to go inside Ayla's (the catahoula) kennel and mark. Doesn't matter if they're male or female. Geez! lol. Is Atlas intact? If he's old enough, you might want to go ahead and neuter him and the spay Scout.

One skill that is helpful is learning how to "claim" space (or things). When Scout is finished, you stake out her spot and keep Atlas from marking it. If you follow Cesar Millan, you can probably find info on his site. But it involves using your body and hand to block Atlas. If you want, email me off-forum and I'll help you out.
My aussie has rececently started marking things, mainly my side of the bed and my the other night my pillow. He doesn't like my husband you would think that he would pee on his side of the bed.
My lady, Lucy, will sometimes go over our other dog's pee and I guess try and mark it just like a male dog. She is definitely the alpha female in the house, but I didn't know that females would do that too. I just thought I would share. Unfortunately, I don't know any advice except to maybe feed them in seperate areas.
To discourage marking you should do the same thing most people do to dicourage biting buy something called "Apple Bitter Spray" or any other sprays like that that are meant for that purpose on animals and when you catch him marking spray a little squirt into his mouth or just towards it so he gets a taste. It doesn't hurt, it just leave an unpleast bitter taste in his mouth so he can learn Mark;Spray -No Mark; No Spray. It's what we did when we were training my corgi Honey not to bite. And also geting him fixed if he's not already might help also.


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