Hi all!

Good news! Back by popular demand, Calendar second run is on! Order Now.

Thanks all the members for their support!


Silvia & Sam

Views: 1032

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The tension is unbearable!!!!

Just kidding :)
Cue the Jeopardy music! Hehe.
that would fit! :)
I know! How hard is is to count internet votes? It's not like there are hanging chads or something! Jeez....

(I kid as well :)
It's not just counting votes. They have to weigh all the various bribes, too. An honest dog ain't got much chance in this hard world; ya gotta grease some paws. Now I'm thinking I should've sent them a coupla bottles of good Scotch or something, and maybe some rotten salmon for the dogs... Al wanted to offer the dead squirrel he dug up in the back yard.
Sorry folks, the results are in, but we're still waiting on the printer's confirmation. Sorry to keep y'all waiting. What I can tell you now are the following:

1. 100% profit will go to corgi rescue.
2. The calendar will be $14 each, lower price than last year's.
3. Calendar will be print professionally, higher quality on premium paper.

As soon as we get the news, we will post the result and ordering information.
The Mocha video cracked me up!! And love the song too :)
Any way we could get the results before the printer? I would like to order asap so I can give it to my sister as a Christmas gift and im starting to worry about shipping ;)
16 days till Christmas! Tick tock! Hehe.
i feel the same way! i've been checking the website twice a day since voting closed.
twice an hour here it seems, and my pic isn't even a finalist!
I would be interested in expedited shipping depending on how much it costs. If it's a couple of dollars more that would be fine. I'm not going to spend almost as much as the calendar costs just to get it somewhere by Christmas. Thanks for asking. :)


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