Hi Everyone!
I'm new here and I thought I would just solicit a little corgi advice? I have had my Corgi, Bailey since 1999. She's never EVER liked children or anyone who walks fast. I probably should've disciplined her more as a puppy, but I was only 18 when I got her and I never really trained her properly. Anyway, fast forward to today, I've been married for three years and my husband and I are expecting our first child in February of this year.
Bailey has always been our baby...she's the center of attention when we're home for a lot of the time. She's great with adults and really very sweet, but she does NOT like children and has snapped at a few in the past.
I'm scared that she'll do the same with the baby because not only will there be a child in the house, but she won't be the center of attention anymore...she'll have to share with her little sister!
Does anyone have any advice for introducing the new baby when she comes? Or how to make sure Bailey doesn't feel too slighted when the little one comes along?

Any and all thoughts are welcome!

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Congratulations!!! I would make sure you have an area where you can keep Bailey secured away from the baby but let him get used to the noises (crying etc.) of the new baby. I dont know about Bailey but whenever we get up in a hurry for something our corgi (caridgan) is right there wanting to know what is wrong! Our cardigan has not been around babies or small children alot at all either and feels that he needs to protect the children when they are being disciplined or if they are crying and someone picks up the small crying child, our cardigan thinks he is suppose to protect them. It is very diffucult to deal with this since we dont have small children around consistently. When we do have small children around he does alright it is when there is too much excitement he doesnt know how to handle it. The other advice I can think of is maybe having someone hold Bailey on a leash while you or someone else is holding the baby and see how he does with that and gradually I would think as he gets used to the baby you will be able to take him off the leash. I would also set up babies stuff ahead of time, so he can get used to it being in the house before the baby arrives, playpen, swing, maybe even high chair? I dont know if this suggestion will help but maybe giving him a blanket the baby has used to put with him in his sleeping area or on his doggie bed. Those are my thoughts hope they help, it will be interesting to see what other people write. Good Luck. Always supervise Bailey and baby, never leave Bailey with the baby.
Wow so glad u asked this I was going to ask something very similar. I was in a car accident on Fri. night and before they could do x-rays they automatically give u a pregnancy test which is good cause I found out I am pregnant. Droopy and Zero have been my babies ever since I got them. They have been my life and they have never been around small kids. Hope the adjustment works well for u :o)
Thank you all so much for the comments and advice. I think I might look for a dog trainer in my area to come and help with the introductions. I also found a website called http://www.dogmeetbaby.com/ where you can get a CD of baby noises to play for a while before the baby comes so that she's not totally unprepared for the sounds that come with our impending arrival.
Bailey is a wonderful dog, she's just very spoiled and used to having things her own way, now that's going to change and like a very young child I worry that it will upset her and hurt her feelings, and that she might take that out on the baby!
We will definitely be supervising the two of them together but of course my ultimate goal is that someday they will get along. I don't want to have to keep them separate for the rest of Bailey's life.
Talk to your vet about a recommendation for an animal behaviorist. (We're not talking obedience training.) You will need someone who can help you desensitize Bailey to children and fast moving objects. It will take commitment and consistency on your part, but if you do, it will be well worth it. It's important that you find the right person to help you.
Wow Debbie!
Thank you so much for the tips! I printed them out and I'll stick them to my refridgerator when I get home from work tomorrow! Those are wonderful ideas...I think I'll buy the book.


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