I have been inspecting Grover's front legs for weeks now because a none Corgi owner randomly told me that he thought my dog was pigeon toed! Is it normal for Corgis to have front legs that slightly turn outward? Grover's are slightly turned outward and his knees (?) are kind of nobbly. I never really noticed much before and, of course, he doesn't seem to be suffering any ill effects from this, but is it normal?

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Thanks! I guess I didn't mean pigeon toed then, did I? Maybe I wasn't sure what I meant! :)
Oh, well that guy didn't really know anything about Corgis anyway! :)
I've noticed when Dax walks, his feet point straight forward, but when he sits down, his front feet turn outward, and the little knobs on his legs make it look like his legs are broken. Heh. I think its pretty normal though, I wouldn't worry about it unless he looks uncomfortable.
You know, this is what I see too! His feet point forward when he walks and outward some when he sits. He certainly doesn't seem to be bothered by it! I bolts around the house like he's SuperMan!
Thanks for everyone's replies! I've been looking at all the other adorable Corgis here and I see some have the same thing going on! I did ask our vet and said that he didn't see anything that made him worry, thank goodness!


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