Being more aggressive than usual. Should I be worried?

Yesterday my Pem picked up a paper towel so I rushed to get it away from her. She growled, and basically tried to bite me. She's normally relatively mild-mannered and sweet so this kind of shocked me. Later in the day she tried to eat cat poop (gross) and when I tried to open her mouth to make her drop it she growled and tried to bite me again. Are there any training techniques to discourage behavior like this? Or maybe it's just normal puppy/dog behavior and I'm being ridiculous! ha.

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This behavior is called resource guarding, it is not normal puppy/dog play. You should not allow it, the puppy needs to know it is not ok. Whatever you do make sure the dog doesnt make you back away from them when doing this, because then they think they have won and will continue with the growling/biting. Use some kind of distraction maybe a loud NO, something that will get the puppys attention. I have had luck using the distraction method and then putting the puppy in a time out......I put him in his crate although it is not recommended method, but it works for us. I truly believe he knows that I am not happy about his behavior when I put him in there for growling. I also do use a stern voice so he knows I dont approve of the behavior. I never put up with growling. I dont want the puppy/dog to think he is in charge! He does not dislike his crate either because of it. Although he was already crate trained when we got him and didnt have to use his crate for a time out utnil he got older. When I leave the house I will put him in the kitchen wiht a gate up and alot of times he perfers his crate instead! I hope I helped a little bit from my experiences but my no means am I expert, I did what worked for me and my dog. Hopefully you will get more responses from mycorgi people with more experience than me.
Oh and I just remembered it is really important to teach them to drop it and leave it, trade something they really like with something else they love. They should drop anything you ask them too, toys, treats, etc. Good Luck.
Thank you so much! That really helps. I'm going to have to start training her to drop stuff. I think that's an important step. It also helped to put a name with what was going on- the resource guarding. I've been googling it and found some interesting stuff. Thanks again for your reply.
Your Welcome! Glad I could help you out, I wish this site would have been here when Lance was a puppy! But it still is great, I am still learning now, which is awesome. Learning never stops, just when you think you have them figured!
She's testing you. Don't let her get away with it or she will soon think she's the boss. (corgis love to be in charge)
Teach her to "leave it". (Charlie still sneaks and eats stray cat poo and rabbit poo if he can find it in the yard, Nasty!)
Bruce does the cat poop much so he's not allowed in the garage where the cat box is and I've nicknamed him "turd burglar". I've always used distraction when he's got something he's not supposed to have, but he hasn't quite got the hang of "leave it" and I often end up chasing him around the house to get whatever he's got. I guess that's a form of him being in control so we'll need to work on that together.


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