Whats everyone getting there Corgi for Christmas or Corgi lover- Circe is getting a bunch of new sqeeky toys from Santa, due to the fact she has chewed up all her old ones. And I found a very cute Corgi tie for my husband for Christmas.

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Hum... New Collars, some of their favorite "cookies", Frosty Paws and a huge smoked "knuckle" bone for each and lots of Christmas hugs and kisses!!!! You can tell my two like to eat.
Our corgis are getting new toys and a special dinner with canned dog food. They will probably get some treats too.
I need some indestructable toys, any suggestions? Corie distroys everthing I have bought for her :-(
Yeah, Pandora destroys stuff too. I've yet to find anything she can't destroy. I just destuff the torn toys and give her the pelts.
My grand puppys destroy everything. I finally went to the store and found just pelts. They're not cheap but they have lasted 6+ mo now. They look like coyote,skunk, or wolf and you can get them from about 2ft -4ft long.
Circe does too. We can't buy her anything that has stuffing, it only lives for the most of three mins and then stuffing everywhere.
George gets a lot of tough rubber dog toys (think Cuz's and Kong's), and industrial strength rope toys (though these do eventually get destroyed too. I've since given up on stuffed toys. There are only husks remaining of toys from when he was a puppy.
A trip to the groomers - Sandy loves primping and gets excited when she hears "bath"!
I already listed what they are getting. Also, they got my husband special gifts from them. Duncan got him a little squeaky toy, Chloe a bag of treats. The cat even got my husband a bag of treats from her. Arent't they the igenious ones!
LOL I saw that stocking at Walmart. I wanted it so bad but the toys looked like Winston could tear them to shreds in a second. Every year I always get Winston a new ornament for our tree. I always get one from my grandma every Christmas so I decided to do the same for my Winston. I got Winston some Busy Bones, a squeaky octopus toy, and a squeaky rubber chicken. Im on a budget this year so I couldn't get him as much as I got him last year :[
Max is getting nothing but coal. He's gotten so much the last 2 mo. I did buy my moms cat some cans of cat food. Then all of my grandpuppys got greenies.
Seamus has become very adept at disassembling and tearing the stuffing out of anything plush or not made of very durable plastic... So Im thinking a toy bone made of the sturdiest plastic known to man. :P


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