What are your corgi names? and their nick names?

My corgis are Mocha and Vienna, we named them after coffee drinks, vienna is actually a blend of turkish coffee :)

Nick names:
harry butt, bunny butt, miss fatty, mocha latte, frappochino, vienna sausage, fat rabbit, double mint twins (when they're together)

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Max, maxie,DB,bb,and POS
Our corgi is Audrey (Haley's Star of My Fair Lady). Her nicknames are Audie, Audie-binkins, Aud-zo, Auds-me, and Mavis.
George also goes by the Spanish "Jorge", as well as the French pronunciation of "George". "Little Botherer", "Big Bunny", "Big Burrito", and "Porgi" are also popular. He is 'Big Wookie' whenever he yawns and makes whiney sounds. Especially after he wakes up. "May the force be with you, always."

He actually responds to all of these names oddly enough. I guess we use them often.
We used to call Max fatty fatty no naddy.
I laughed so hard when I read this one!!
My corgi's name is Jingles (he's my Christmas present). We call him Jingle Bells, Repeat (my parents corgi nickname is Pete so its Pete and Repeat), Pup Pup, and Baby. But he's only 14 weeks old so I'm sure he will get some more nicknames as he gets older.
Boy I guess we are lame. Kitsie's nicknames are Kitsie Loo and Cutie. Guess we need to be more creative.
My favorite nickname for Andy is Sweet Pea...or sometimes just Pea. Also Little Girl, Button, and Velcro Junior (our family border collie Bandit was called Velcro, so Andy is Velcro Junior).
My Corgi's name is Sophie. Her nick names are Peanut, Stink Bomb, Stinky (she doesn't "stink", just decided to call her that one day after she let one go!), SofiaMia, Baby, Angel.
Freya's nickname so far seems to be Little Girl.
At this point it's mainly POS,baby boy or bb
Riley's AKC name (if he hadn't been neutered) would have been Seamus Riley O'Bounder. Nicknames are Ri-Ri, Riles, kiddo, bud, sweetie, fuzzbutt, fluffbutt, furmonger, mongrel, mutt-mutt, spaz dog, and goober.


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