Ok, is it just my idiot, or do these dogs tend to run? Frasier used to be ok out front, then one day he decided on a "walkabout". the Buttmonkey trotted down the street to infinity and beyond. We had to get a car and go locate him a mile away. He got in the car, and all was ok. BUT,,,,he learned to pull and twist out of his collar, so we had to resort to chokers, just to keep him out of traffic. I don't know why he feels this need. He had me out one night it was 36 degrees....in my jammies....following him around the hood. Did I mention there was a freezing rain? I finally called for help on my cell. What a stubborn shit he can be! Even tricked me into stepping into ice cold ankle deep puddles, just for laughs.

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From other stories I have read it seems like they like to run. I have a Cardigan and once and a while we let him off leash in the backyard as a treat because we dont have a fenced in yard yet.... : ( He is happy on his lead though. : ) He loves just sitting and observing the backyard on his lead. When he was a puppy we worked with him off leash of course with lots of treats, and we would call him four of us and reward him for coming every time. We dont do it as much anymore. Something tells me if he sees another dog, person he would be off to greet them! Over the fall his lead broke off his collar because I put it on the wrong part of his collar he ran along the side of my neighbors fence and luckily I didnt panick cause he didnt realize to run out front, I went in the house yelling treat tried finding them in the closet, of course they were in hidden, I turned around and there he was in the house waiting for his treat.....phew!! The only part of our backyard not fenced is the part facing the front of the house and is a decent size for our dog to run. Neigbors have fences all around us. Companys want 2,000.00 just to do a tiny section!!! The other incident we had was over the summer out playing letting him run in the backyard, well I thought he was going to greet the neighbor dog along the gate are so I followed him to make sure, and no he was going to greet the doberman passing by!!! The doberman is not very friendly, let out a growl and I yelled out of panic, treats, in the house so between the two of us he knew to get back in the yard and in the house he went, so after that we really dont let him off leash!! All it takes is one time for something to go wrong. Closer to the fall this year I really felt bad I couldnt let him outside off leash so what I did was to find an extra long training leash and put that on him and played fetch with treats in hand and rewarded him for bringing back the ball each time and then every other time. It worked well and I also had something to grab in case he decided to run out front, which he didnt.

I dont think it is just your dog who likes to run, without being trained to stay close I believe they will run and even if they are trained I still believe they will run. Depending on the level of training, maybe when highly trained they would stay and not run. I have heard that pembrokes would go with just anybody where as cardigans would not go with just anybody...as least not as easily. They are very social dogs.

How old is Frasier, does he happen to have part coonhound in him, he reminds me of my neighbors dog? Or is Frasier all corgi?
He could have any number of hounds in him. He looks rather Beagle-ish in the face. He's a little over a year, but since I rescued him, there is no way of telling. Besides a couple of bad habits, he's a really great dog. I'm working on his training, but with some breeds it takes longer.
Yeah after I relooked at the picture he does seem to have beagle in him.

Here is a fence I put up myself in the summer. Cost under $1000 in materials.

If you weren't so far away, I would volunteer to come and help your hubby build a fence :)

But it being winter and all....the only place worse than Northern Ohio in winter is Illinois...and maybe Minnesota..I think I'll take a pass.

Seriously though, I built that fence by myself with parts from home depot. All together less than 1k. As you can see in the photo, my girl dog Sophie was ELATED to finally be able to run free!

That's inpressive. I can't bake cookies without getting hurt, but building a fence! How long did a project like that take?
Uh, yeah. I've come to learn that corgis are notorious for deciding to go exploring and nothing (except REALLY good recall training) can stop them! Apparently it is the same with beagles. I cannot let Sidney off leash if it is not a fenced area or *zip* off in a flash!

My corgi mix did this to me at an off-leash dog beach one summer; now that I look back it was hysterical, but I thought he would make it all the way to Mexico the way he was hauling butt!

Sid got off leash once, and only smashing face-first into a moving car would stop him. It's lucky Frasier (and you) were not hurt by his escapades.
Debbie, in your abrasive style you assume a lot. I have a fenced yard, but he got loose by bolting through the door. And I KNOW he is a dog, I have other dogs and he is new, so he isn't completely trained yet. The discussion was meant to be light hearted and tongue in cheek. Do me a favor and ignore my posts from now on. I find your holier than thou attitude offensive.
no harm, no foul. I call him my little idiot with the utmost affection.


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