I have formed a group called Diabetic Corgis. This is for anyone to join. It's mainly to provide support to owners of diabetic Corgis, but I'm not limiting the group to just that.

I almost lost my sweet Chester to diabetes last May. My vet diagnosed him on a Friday, but didn't want to give him any insulin for a week because he'd been on steroids for a neck injury. Well, that almost killed him. By the following Monday (Memorial Day) he lost the use of his back legs and had been crying in pain the entire weekend.

I was afraid I would have to let my Chester go. Diabetic supplies and food are not cheap! But after one day of insulin Chester was nearly back to normal. Within one week he was better than he'd been in months!

It's been difficult keeping him away from food, he's a bottomless pit! But it is worth it to see his bunny-butt every day. He's just turned 12 and I am so happy that I didn't give up on him.

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Comment by Jeanne Haisley on January 3, 2009 at 9:32am
I know how difficult diabetes can be. My Kya, the queen of the house, has been diabetic and on insulin for a while now. I have however adjusted her insulin so that she gets 8 units twice a day instead of 10, so things are kind of looking up. I do believe they want to eat more with the insulin too. I feed Science Diet W/D. It has really helped the weight control, but is expensive. If I were to tip the bag (30 lbs.) I believe she would eat the whole bag by herself!
Comment by ChestersMom on January 2, 2009 at 10:01am
Thanks everyone!

Chester is my soul mate. Sometimes I say that I feel like I gave birth to him myself! (AND he gets treated better than my own son!! hahahaha)
Comment by Kathy and Jillie on January 1, 2009 at 4:36pm
Hi! Our dog Keke, he was an American Eskimo Spitz, had diabetes! It caused his cataracts to blow out from the high blood sugar and he went blind. With two insulin shots daily, he adapted very well. I think he handled the whole ordeal of going blind better than we did. Good luck and give him a hug!
Comment by A & P on January 1, 2009 at 3:58pm
Thank you for sharing your story!
Comment by Karen on January 1, 2009 at 3:09pm
What were the symptoms that led your vet to test for diabetes?
Comment by Nicola Porter on January 1, 2009 at 11:52am
Good luck in the future for Chester, thanks for loving him.

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