Hi Everyone!
I noticed that yesterday and today, Chopper seemed to be limping or favoring his right forepaw. Can corgis, like humans, pull or strain a muscle? The only thing I can think of is yesterday on a walk, I did see him slip a little on the ice(good ol' Iowa weather). Is there anything I can do for him? I called the vet to see him tomorrow, but if there's any suggestions for the meantime, I'd love to hear them.


- -Mike & Chopper

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Hi Mike, yes corgis can strain a muscle too :) You can monitor him for another day and see if he gets better. Ours pull theirs recently and were fine after 2-3 days. Get well soon!
Very possible..my one boy did this not too long ago and took quite awhile to get fully better. Rest..no romping around. Is it swollen?
I'm not sure how to tell if it's swollen or not. I did find what looks like a scab on his foot so I'm glad he's going to the vet today to get it checked out. I wonder if he cut his foot on this ice/snow...How should I check if it's swollen(Chopper is NOT a fan of having his feet touched :) )?


- -Mike & Choppper


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