I just read on another site, where a corgi lost it's life due to getting their head stuck in a snack bag. This is so tragic, when all it takes is to make sure the bags, empty or not, are out of our angels reach. Cut out the ends or down the sides of the bags when empty.

A lot of us owners have scroungers, that will get into trash cans and such when no one is looking or at home. Most of the time when I read about this happening, the owners are not home, so they aren't supervised. So far, I've been lucky, my two dogs have never shown any interest in the trash can or tried to knock it over. I also have my husband cut down the bag as it get empty, so that there isn't a chance of Duncan or Chloe getting their head stuck.

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We came home once to find our panicked corgi with a potato chip bag stuck over her head; fortunately it was stiff enough to not collapse over her snout and asphyxiate her.
We now have the habit of cutting off a corner at the bottom of snack bags. Those flimsy produce bags could be DEADLY.

Corgi-proof the house. Our garbage is all out of reach behind a heavy-spring-loaded swinging trapdoor I cut in the cabinet doors. No food waste or food containers are allowed in accessible wastebaskets. Train everybody to follow these rules scrupulously.

Babies can drown in 5-gal. buckets. I wonder if this has ever happened to a dog?


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