Since I am very new to both of those worlds I would like to ask a ton of questions. The only thing is, I'm not even entirely sure on where to start.
So I think I will start from the beginning. I have a *currently* four month old Corgi named SirMacKellen and he is an absolutely gorgeous dog. I would love to show him but I have no idea about how to get into it. Is there someone I can contact in the Washington area that may have an idea on how to get started? All I really know is that he has to be "uncut." While I am not currently thinking about breeding him, I do want to show him.
If I were to breed him how do I get into that as well? I have the "male half" of things, so do I put out a stud add or....? I'm terribly clueless for once on dogs and its sort of embarassing. but I really would be appreciative for any information that could be given. Thank you.

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A good beginning would be to find some shows in your area to attend and see what is involved in presenting your dog. It would also be good to find a mentor, one that is willing to take you under their wing and be supportive of your process. Showing dogs is far more difficult than many realize. The second thing you need to consider is to do the proper health testings prior to even consider breeding. Reputable breeders will have a dogs hips certified at the age of 2 yrs. This requires an x-ray of the hips better done by a vet that is familiar with corgis and doing films for OFA. They will have a dog that is vWD clear (von Willebrands disease which is a disorder similar to hemophelia in people) They will also have the eyes CERF'd. This requires a trip to a veterinary opthomologist and special exam to make sure the eyes are clear of certain conditions. Good to learn to read your pedigree, learn the health status of the relatives of your dog. Also good to be able to see the background of the achievements these dogs have made both in conformation and performance events. These qualities are important to those looking for a suitable dog to sire their future litters. Typically ones first corgi is one that helps them learn about the breed. It is rare that a pup purchased without the help of a mentor would be of the quality to show or breed. The first pup is an important one though. It is the one that will make you fall in love and learn about such an enchanted breed. Good luck.
thank you so much for the brief look into it! Yes I definitely want t find a mentor. Maybe there will be someone in WA Corgi's that can give me a nudge in the right direction. I had known about the Cerf's health wise, and it's goog to hear that I wouldn't be able to show him until after 2 yrs of age. That gives me time to finish school and see where we are at, at that point.
thank you so much for the info peggy and it was actually from my breeder that I heard he could be show quality. I will certainly takeca look at cascade corgi club. :) I do know that both of his parents have been properly certafied with those health so that shouldn't be a problem. I am also glad to hear that I could possibly looking into showing him at 6 mnths if I " wanted"/ or was able to.
We all start some where and atleast your willing to learn before jumping into it. I do know of an excellent breeder who shows her dogs in the Washington area and her dogs are gorgeous and have heard good things from a few people. I think she would be more then willing to give you advice. If you want to show and breed the I would get into the showing first and you will learn so much and meet many who will be able to advise you properly.

Send me a quick email to provide you the link to the kennel so I don't forget. I'm just tired and need to get off here. I will get that for you tomorrow.
Thank you so much! Yes if there is one thing I am very willing to do it's learn how to go about doing his and doing it properly. I will shoot you an email as soon as I get home. Thank you!!


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