Seems that one of the animal children had fleas and now it spread. While I'm getting rid of them in and out of the house and from them...

Is there something that can be eaten to deter fleas from biting humans? ?

Like, avacados or something?

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We had good luck with a business called FleaBusters in Seattle many many years ago, when we had only a cat. They dust your carpet, furniture etc. with polyborate salts -- like borax -- not a neurotoxin, it desicates the fleas -- it was guaranteed for a year and seemed effective for 4 or 5. May work better in some climates than others.
Thanks, but is there something you can eat to deter bites while the problem is being fixed?
For human? Garlic, one whole clove raw :) oh..... it BURNS.
but roasted in a little olive oil is delicious! :-)

You WILL reek of garlic for a few days, though.
Something for the humans or the furry ones?
I've heard that garlic deters flea bites, so the humans can enjoy some lovely pasta or some fresh oven-roasted garlic!
Some say that garlic is toxic for dogs, but many treats include garlic powder, and I had a veterinarian suggest I sprinkle garlic powder on my cats food when he had a bad flea reaction. So I don't know how much garlic is considered toxic, if at all.

I enjoy garlic with my food, and I've never had a flea or a vampire bother me ;-)
yes for the humans, my poor son is the only one getting eaten up by the fleas. i feel so bad.
Garlic! They claim excessive amounts can be harmful to the dog. I have an article on this but I think you need to monitor the intake. Anything in an abundance is harmful. You might want to think about treating your whole house and get control of the situation. Capstar can take care of initial fleas on your dog w/in a few hrs and then go to a flea prevention. Take care of the house so you don't have another outbreak. Fleas can cause more damage to your animal then just bites and itchiness.
Do you have an Avon rep in your area? I seem to have a lot of luck with the Skin-So-Soft shower gel. I never have problems with fleas outside or mosquitos when I wash with this. Of course, your son will probably get teased about how sweet he smells.
True! I used to use it when we went camping, to keep the mosquitos away. I'd forgotten all about it. Maybe since then they have developed a manly scent option, LOL.
I use Ark Natural's Neem Protect Spray.

Check it out here:

I used it in the summer and it works! I love the fact that it's DEET free.
THANKS EVERYONE! a garlic oil pill worked like a charm!
Excellent! Thank you for the update!


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