I always thought that corgis had white nails. I was trimming Freya's nails (a feat I tell ya--horrible pun, sigh) and I noticed she had one black nail. Now, that particular nail's pad was also turning black.

Should I worry or is this normal? It was only one nail on the back foot. The rest of her nails are white and her pads are still mostly pink.

Oh any tips on making nail cutting easier on me and her?

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Mine used to have all white, except one nail black when she was a puppy. Her paws were really pretty in pink with some dark spots. As she grew older (within 1 year), most of her nails became black, and paws got darker. She now only has 2 white nails, and rest are all black. My breeder used "Dremel" drill to trim her Corgis' nails. We tried to use the clippers, but I think they can feel our fear. We switched to Dremel after 1 try with clipper. :p Peticure/Pedipaw seems like fancy "Dremel" with accesories. We have cordless Dremel, and when we use it, I put Dee Dee on her back between my legs to secure. She seems fine with it, and she sometimes falls asleep while I'm drilling her nails!!

Dremels are sold at Target & WalMart type stores, but they might have more variety at hardware stores like Home Depot or Lowes. They sell the replacement tips for 25 cents or less as well if they wear out.

We rarely really use the Dremel now though since she walks a lot on concrete now... :)
I heard someone on the forum buying a Dremel and then buying the attachments for the peticure/pedipaw deal. How much do the cordless dremel's go for?

I didn't realize that the black nail was prevalent. That's good to know.
When I bought it (about 8 years ago), it was about $25. We use regular sanding/filing tip that came with the Dremel. So far, we had to replace it only once. Like I said earlier, tips are pretty cheap. I think I bought 4 tips for $1. Good thing about Dremel is that if you need to, you can use it for art works or other non-dog/Corgi stuff by changing tips. I'm sure Pedipaws can't do that! :)
Yea the black nail thing is probably normal and plus Honeu, my corgi has black pads(pink when she was a baby) and her nails are white.
Something funny about her though is that on 1 side of her snout her whiskers are black and on the other they are white! I think it's so funny like a black and white cookie.
I'll post a pic
Yeah Freya has one white eyebrow whisker on her face and 3 white whiskers on her face--the rest are black! i love them, I think they are so cute like that.
I tried to post the pics of Honey's weird whiskers here but my computer won't let me so if you wanna see u can go to my page and look at the pics there Thanx bye
Thanks for the link, Peggy! Really? The pad coloration didn't make a difference? The only two corgis I've ever seen both had all white nails. Not sure what color their pads were though. I've never seen a pink pad with black nails before--though I have seen black pads with white nails.
Callie also only has one black nail on her back foot! It's such a pain to trim.
As far as trimming nails goes, I've been able to get it done pretty easily by starting with a tired dog, and having them lay down on their side. I had my husband sit near the head, and block them when they try to sit up. I basically ask them to submit to the activity. Holding or restraining is very ineffective, and will cause a big fight. It's much better to have a dog that is used to having feet handled. I do this pretty often and make it fun. Each time they start to pull away or fuss, I shush them and don't let go until they relax. That's the key...teach them that handling paws = relaxation. Then you can translate that to trimming. It takes time and a lot of patience, but it's so worth it! I'm glad that any day of the week I can sit down and trim nails without a lot of drama.

I can't wait to try the Dremel..I've been meaning to, but hearing the comments has given me motivation.
I'm constantly playing with Freya's feet. I suppose the difference is that she is usually in my arms when i'm doing that and no other time. Maybe that's where I went wrong. She hates being on her back or her side. She fights!
My Gabi also has one black nail in one of her hind legs. Good to know it's normal! :-)


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