(2007)I don't have any ID microchips in my corgis, was wondering if anyone out there has done it before.

(2009 update) I've since taken all my foster dogs to get chipped. It's cheap and the procedure is fast :)

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I had my last dog chipped, and Callie is scheduled to get hers when she goes it to get spayed. I think it is a great idea, especially since I travel a lot and I like to bring my dog with me. Then I know I have more of a hope of getting her back!
I just had to share this news story with everyone. It really shows the importance of your pup having a "microchip"

Dog missing 5 years reunited with owner
Monday, November 24, 2008
By Tracie Mauriello, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Tootsie was found two weeks ago wandering around Wilkinsburg. He was taken to the Animal Rescue League of Western Pennsylvania and was traced back to his owners using a microchip implanted in his neck.

"Donde estaba?" -- Where have you been? -- his owner Elda Arguello said as she wrapped Tootsie in her scarf outside a television studio in Harrisburg -- the halfway point between Pleasantville and Wilkinsburg. Tifanie Tibero of the rescue league delivered Tootsie to her there. The dog was shivering from the cold but appeared content in Mrs. Arguello's arms.

The family believes the dog was taken from their gated yard more than five years ago.

"I looked for him for many, many days," said Mrs. Arguello, who brought along her children Edna Colon, 18, and Daniel Colon Jr., 16.

So much time had passed that when the rescue league sent her a letter several days ago she hadn't remembered losing a dog.

"I said, 'What about Tootsie?,' " Daniel remembered. "I just put that out there but I didn't really think they could have really found her five and a half years later."

Reunion Video

Penelope was chipped at her spay with Home Again
Neighbors recovered their missing cat after 4-6 weeks because it was chipped. Someone had taken it in as a stray. Lost collar. Almost unheard-of to recover a lost cat after so long - until chips came along.
NOTE: Gwynnie's chip CAME OUT within a week after implantation. WATCH FOR THIS!
Hi Sam,
Yes, we have Bunny and our two cats chipped. I highly recommend it, there was recently a news story here in Sonoma County relating how a cat was returned to its owner 11 years after it disappeared. When the cat was found ill and malnourished in the home of an elderly woman that died, the cat was scanned for a chip and since it was registered with the chip company and the original vet, it came home to its family.
The cat did die after a few months, but they were able to make the cat comfortable and well-cared for during its last few months.
Many vets and shelters have the universal scanners that detect and id both types of chips.
Hello sam We had a chip put in our cat Smoky..... and when she got out one time she was taken to the animal shelter and they checked for a chip and called us GREAT YEA All our dogs will have one soon....I don't know about tatoo's though........john
I have both of myne chipped, Malibu was chipped by the vet which is by home again, Captain came to use microchip from the breeder with Avid. We have Malibu's checked whenever we can. When she had her placed it didn't seem like there was any discomfort and she did not yelp.
The animal clinic that I work for chipped Cooper once I first got him (back in July) and it runs around $35ish to have it done. I'd highly recommend it, its permanent and many shelters and rescuer groups scan dogs for chips if they have been picked up.
Sophie was chipped shortly after we adopted her, as our German Shepherd Lucy is also chipped. I feel "safer" that they both have one of these things. I can't remember exactly how much it cost, but I do remember it being reasonably priced.
Yes. Our breeder places one in all her puppies.
george was chipped before i got him at 7 weeks. it is law in australia that all dogs are registered and chipped. george is also on the australia wide registry just in case he gets the case of the wanders... while talking about this i find it interesting that in australia docking is no longer allowed and chipping is mandatory yet the states do not!
If Thunder had not been chipped he would have been lost. Check my report of his great adventure. The people who found him called the chip company and the company called me with their phone number. I really recommend the chip.


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