Our eldest puppy of 7 months Archie, has been biting around his tail (not docked as we live in the UK) to the left of the tail, he has now pulled the hair out and it is bleeding. I have checked them all over for fleas and neither him or Reggie has any sign of any.
I did have to bath him on Thurs as one of them had used the crate as a potty, and they were both covered in it, but I used a mild shampoo for dogs.
I am going to call the Vet now to make an appointment, but is there anything I can do in the meantime to ease this itching for him?

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you can give him human benedryl
I give Duncan Children Meltaway Benedryl tablets. They are half the strength of adults, and it usually works. Also, if that doesn't seem to be strong enough, I can give him another one without worrying I'm giving him to much at one time. Also, being meltaways, he can't spit them out if I don't get it far enough down his mouth....LOL! (He like cherry flavor the best.)
Hi Denise, I grew up in Letchworth, hertfordshire :) you can go to Tesco or Co-op and ask for "Canesten" or "HC45" Hydrocortisone cream, before you apply the area, trim / shave the area a little, wash it with cool water. Get an E collar so that Archie can not reach the hot spot, visit the vet and see what kind of rx he prescribe.

"Benedryl" in the US is quite different from the UK version, depending on the version, it could be Acrivastine (Benadryl Once a Day) or Cetirizine (Zyrtec and Reactine) and not regular US Benedryl (DiphenhydrAMINE). In my opinion, wait for your vet's proper diagnose.
Hey Sam I lived in Rickmansworth Herts, was born in Harrow. Small world eh?
Hey, I know where that is! Pretty close to Watford :) I still have family in the UK.
My brother lives in Watford.
Thanks for the tips, we went to the Vets and they have given him antibiotics, and a buster collar, he wont wear the collar and we ended up taking it off, as I was so worried he was going to hurt himself, bashing against the furniture to get it off.
We got to give the meds 5 days to work and if he is no better then we have to take him back.
Sounds like a hot spot indeed. Not sure the equivilent in the UK but here I cleanse area 2 to 3 times daily with iodine scrub and apply a furizone spray which drys the area. Has never failed me yet. I try not to shave the area as it takes so long to grow back. The base ingredient if furacin...sold under many different names. It is a yellow spray used frequently with horses. May be able to get it at a feed/tack store. Good luck.
I got him some junior Piriton, an antihistamine, and given him the smallest dose, and it seems to have done the trick now in as much as he is no longer biting, and the other meds are doing their job and the wound is healing nicely.
Excellent! Glad to hear Archie is doing better :) Get well soon!

Just FYI: Piriton (Chlorpheniramine) is one of the 1st generation antihistamines, it is far tamer than Benadryl (DiphenhydrAMINE), very suitable for veterinary practice.


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