How did you end up with a corgi? Tell us your story!

My wife and I were newly weds, we were not ready for babies so we decided to take on a puppy instead.

At that time in our life, we were living in a 2000 sqft condo, space was limited and so we knew we wanted something small to medium size. We have thought about other dog breeds like border collie, beagle & sheltie. We eliminated them because of the following reasons:

border collie - requires a lot of exercise and we were living in a condo.
beagle - the breed seems to be quite stubborn and can be a real howler.
sheltie - great size and very similar to corgi, but the hair can be a lot of work.

So why did we pick corgi? well, we read alot about the breed, it seems like corgis are very smart, motivated by food, loyal and good with kids. It fit right into our requirements.

So what else am I happy about my dogs? I like that they're not "common". I'm surprised that there are many people who don't know about them and constantly ask if they're pure bred :) I also like the fact that my dogs can handle themselves with the bigger dogs in the dog park. Corgis are very brave and have great stamina to run and herd cattles & sheeps for 45mins nonstop.

How about you? How did you end up with a corgi? why don't you share with us?

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Tom and I have had Beagles for years and we love them to death and will always have them. We decided to try another breed as well and Tom had a Corgi when he was a kid. When we added Merlin he fit right in and we love the combination. We have since had a rescue named Molly-we got her when she was 12 1/2 and she lived until almost 15-she was a peach!
Corgis are so smart but that herding instinct is very strong-we learned a lot about the difference between that and the Pack mentality of the Beagle. Merlin gets a lot of activity with obedience, agility and the occasional herding lesson and when he doesn't-bad weather or too much travel-and he starts getting pushy. Corgis definitely need a job!
I graduated from college last winter and we decided to stick around VT to save up money before we went to our masters programs. When spring roll around, I started getting ansy because my family dog just passed away and I never had a time in my life where there wasn't a family pet dog. So after some hunting and searching and discussing, I tried a few humane societies. Who kept rejecting us because we had an apartment.. or we were too many states away... or they couldn't come check us.. or we didn't pass the 800 page test online. (ok ok.. Human societies are awesome and everyone should try to adopt from them. PLEASE try to adopt from them first or a save program! :))
So in frustration I started looking at puppy ads online and in the newspaper.. I fell in love with corgis after seeing one in an anime (yes.. anime) and looked them up and checked the breed out.
He wanted a big breed, I liked huskies but after a while we came to our senses and gave up on those knowing full well the apartment wasn't fit for a big dog... but we both hated small breeds.
I chance on an ad online for one of the smaller newspapers about corgis.
Needless to say, puppy eyes to the boy and a drive down the road, he fell in love with her first. Which on a whim because we just went to look, we took her home with us.
its only been four months but I love her to death and nothing could take her out of my life. Even though Im away for most of the year, we're planning on getting a place with a small yard when we move next summer just for her :)
Awon, can you tell me the title of that anime please?
Thx, Elina
Hi Avyon,
Could you please tell me the title of that anime?
Ta, Elina
The anime is called CowBoy BeBop

The character is Ein

I recommend it highly, a lot of my friends who aren't into anime have enjoyed watching this with me just because its been done so well.. and steps away a bit more from the crazy anime stuff while keeping the style and idea. The story lines and the characters really draw you in and the music is done by Yoko Kanno who i found from watching escaflowne.

phew... hope that helps :)

while some people will disagree with me, I always recommend renting or buying anime instead of finding it on TV... they usually cut/americanize it which takes away some of the content/humor. You have to be careful about buying some of it now too.. like Pokemon and Naruto they sell american versions in the mall :/ Have to hunt it dont online or download episodes now lol.
Thanks for that :) I'll definitely hunt it down. Haha, I think I have to resort to download as I doubt there's any for sale here in Australia! :):):)
Not a problem ^_^ good luck in your hunt!
I would also suggest that if you get your hands on the DVD to watch it IN JAPANESE with the subtitles on rather than in English. This may just be a pet peeve of mine but watching it in English just doesn't seem right, the voices don't fit the characters.

I was first introduced to corgis through Cowboy Beebop. I fell in love with Ein from his first appearance. I did some research on the breed and was hooked. I wanted one all through college and figured I would get one once I graduated. It took about a year after graduating to get in a place where I could handle a dog and now I have my Faye. She is perfect and so much like Ein sometimes (too smart for her own good).

I actually got Faye a red collar with a yellow charm so that she would match Ein... I'm a little obsessed. :-)
I had been attracted to Corgis for many years prior to getting one. I really can't explain why. It was just the feeling I got when I would see one. They fascinated me. I researched them and found out more about them. I would see one on the street or on tv and it would catch my attention. The day I saw Judy from Pet Rescues by Judy on the tv advertising 3 Corgis puppies for adoption...I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! I knew it was a sign! I got in my car and rushed to the Petsmart where she was at and I was able to get Maggie. She was 4 months old when I got her (12.16.06)
She is everything I had hoped for and more. I love her spirit and determination. I love it when she plays really hard and then sleeps really hard (on her She is like having a big dog in a small dogs body.
A big dog in a small dog's body-that is what you will hear from every Corgi owner! It is a perfect description!
I've always always wanted one. One day I was out with my mom going to wallmart right before work, when my mom spotted 3 corgi pups and a girl, she quickly turned the car around, and I was wondering what was going on. Then I saw them.....I had never seen a corgi puppy before (only adults) and we asked her how much they were. They were REALLY cheap. Females costs more, but I wanted a male anway. She asked 175 for the male, but she said she'd take 150. We told her we'd think about it, I begged my mom and we called her back and she had sold all but one. I ended up getting the last one! Hes been so awesome ever since! Such a cute puppy! Couldn't resist the price either!
oh ok! ignore my question on your page haha. Thats a great story and a great find! He's a lucky pup to have you :)


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