Meissa is my second tan-point tri Cardigan whom I've been fortunate enough to have. Like Medeni, my first corgi, she seems to have finer bones, less coat and weak shoulders (dislocations); a less obviously genetic characteristic seems to be her natural caution and conservative obedience, compared to her brindle sister. In fact, without even having trained her specifically like this, Medeni would follow perfectly when off-lead.

What do your corgis have in common or in contrast to mine?

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Our girl is so obedient. Biggest problem is sometime she will not come to have her leash put on it if she thinks we are going for a ride. This is a new thing the last few months. Before she was a great traveler. Once we get going she is fine but first 5-10 minutes she is restless and nervous. But she has learned sit, come and heel. I use wait instead of stay. She is still very fearful of strangers. I have met some brindle cardis who are so outgoing. So maybe it is a tri-color thing.
Well ours is only 8 months old. She is obedient most of the time. We are still working out the kinks. She loves every human and thinks everyone is around for her benifit only. We are working on that too...LOL. She used to be very fearful of other dogs but we have been socializing her and she is doing much better in this department and enjoys playing with other dogs now. SO maybe it's a personality thing?
I have a tricolor of each-- one that is sleaker and quick as could be! He is cautious and very obedient.. the other is huge, strong as an ox, and loves to play- never listening and always goofing around looking for fun!
Chester also walked perfectly off lead, especially when he was younger. We could take him for walks on trails and he'd LOVE being off the leash - and never stray too far. He wanted to be with us!
In contrast, Chester is definately sturdy structurally, except that he's sprained his ankle/shoulder several times by running/playing too hard. Doesn't know when to stop! He has a thick, shiny & soft coat, whereas my parents' tri-color's coat is thinner, which sounds more like Meissa.
Big personality change when our son was born - became very protective and does not socialize or play with other dogs now.


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