I'm so upset right now. I just got back from the dog park in Niceville FL. There was a lady there with her pitbull. It had to be 85 pounds or so. The dog kept attacking my corgi and she's like 25 lbs. He would flip her over bit her neck and lip :(. The owner did do anything! She sat there or stood there. It happened at least 4 times before we left. At one point she was on her phone and my husband and I were pulling her dog off ours, and she said "Like my dog is attacking some sort of like little midget dog." It's like she had the attitude it was my dogs fault for being small, not her dogs fault for being aggressive. I'm really up set and mad and just needed some where to rant.

My dog's fine the pitbull didn't break the skin. I still think if my dog was yelping she should have pulled her dog off of mine.

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Its amazing how some people do not take any responisbilities for their pets. Glad that you and your dog are ok and nothing major happened.
Call Animal Control and report her. Seriously. If enough people complain, they might follow up, or at least have a file on this person/dog for when her dog hurts someone/dog. I don't know the laws in FL, but I'm sure at least making a report can get things started. We have a lovely dog park here in CT -- 3 enormous open acres -- and some of the regulars recently actually had a very odd man with a very vicious dog arrested after he attacked and hurt several other dogs at the park. Even if reporting her doesn't do anything, you might feel better. They sure did!

I know there are people who hate dog parks and won't use them, but it's one of the few places where my guys can run and wander a wide open space off leash. But because there are so many bad owners out there, when I go to the park, if I don't see people I recognize or a dog there makes me even mildly nervous, I hit the road. If someone brings a pitbull in, I leave. I don't care how many times people tell me "my dog is friendly" - if the dog is even just annoying or showing any kind of bad behavior, I leave. I go there so my dogs can socialize and run around off leash, but I have no patience with fools who don't know/understand/care about their dogs, and I don't mind being "overprotective"! It's sad, but what can you do.

I'm so glad no one was hurt. You have every right to be angry! Give your baby a big hut and a scratch from us!
I'm so sorry this happened...I know how upsetting and scary it can be. We just went through something similar this past week...click here to read what we posted. If I heard somebody say something like that about my dog I don't think I would have handled it with as much grace. There are too many people that should not own dogs. They are too ignorant to be able to handle their dog around others.
That's awful! I know how you feel. My corgi use to get attacked all the time at the dog park by all sorts of dogs, labs, terriers, I don't know what it is, but it seems like corgis get attacked a lot at dog parks. I usually give their owners a mouthful.

I'm sorry that happened to your girl. :-( I hope someone reports that lady, I hate owners like that.
Poor Paula, I feel bad for her :( It's owners like that though, that give pits a bad name. my mother in law has a pit that is the sweetest dog, but most people would never know because they won't give her the time of day. That lady is irresponsible and should not have the responsibility of any dog, let alone one that's considered an "agressive" breed. I agree with Susan, you sould report that lady, especially if it happens again. She needs to be held accountable for the poor training of her dog and her inability to even care about her dog potentially harming another animal. If i was in that situation i would have hung up that lady's phone for her and given her a mouthful. her comment gets under my skin and i wasn't even there :)
Dog parks are really a double edged sword. While they do offer a large place to play and the ability to socialize with other dogs one must be ever aware of the dogs and people there. Many have rules for the safety of the dogs but those are only as good as those that choose to follow them. I have seen some horrendous fights, children running around with food, babies left unattended in strollers. The most amazing with a pit bitch with her six pups. Talk about an accident waiting to happen. Typically if you frequent a park you will come to know the comings and goings of the regulars. Weekends and holidays the parks explode with people and dogs. Spending time to observe the interactions "before" entering makes the most sense. If you notice an ill mannered dog enter it is time to leave.
I agree with reporting this issue. If left unattended you could have a major dog fight just waiting to happen in the future. If there are enough complaints the owner will get a visit from law enforcers. If she doesn't comply then, there will be consequences for her.
hm susan said exactly what i was going to.. this lady obviously isnt fit to own any sort of pet..god forbid she has any children..i probably would've taken her phone out o fher hand and thrown it on the ground then probably slapped her... i hate dumb people >:o thank god your pup was okay though!
and yeah, people like this lady are part of the reason pitbulls have such a bad rep.. its all dumb owners / dogfighters fault.. blahh
Yep, theres nothing inherently wrong with pitbulls. Too many idiot owners don't realize that they own a 50+lbs jack russel with the bite strength of a bulldog. If not properly trained/socialized you end up with a high energy/neurotic and potentially dangerous dog.
I judge a pitbull by its owner not the dog. If I see someone that looks sketchy that brings their pit in, I keep on eye on the dog. I've also met plenty of very friendly, very well-adjusted pitbulls with nice and resposible owners. Atlas had a pitbull puppy that he used to wrestle with all the time, and I remember quite frequently the owner would step in and make his dog "cool down" because he thought it was getting too excited. Most of those times I thought they were playing just fine too.
ein just got back from the dog park and had a similar incident. there was a bully there that was apparently being a jerk to a ein as well as a bunch of other dogs (another corgi included!). i used my cesar millan shushing sound with my calm but assertive energy to set boundaries with this bad dog and it worked. the dog totally backed off and didn't bother us again. to top it off, when i was shoeing the dog away it's owners came over and looked a bit mad for me doing this (2 kids around 12 years old or so). meh, nuts to them. i hate bullies!!!
I would have exploded on that lady... There would have been no calm about it and I would like to think that it takes me a lot to get really upset these days.
I'm so sorry this happened to your dog and to you - please follow up and report the incident to Animal care and control. In Palm Beach County, they will contact you, if there are wounds, they will come photograph the wounds, and if not - they will ask for a "witness statement". First attack lists a dog as "potentially dangerous", not necessarily a legal term - but it gets the dog a record. Second attack, dog is labeled dangerous and has "hoops" to jump through, tags to wear, classes to attend, etc. - the reason behind this is to prevent FUTURE attacks. Perhaps, the pit had attacked previously, and if someone had reported it - your dog may not have been bullied - I completely agree with the statement - There are no bad breeds - just bad owners.... Good Luck to you.


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