We are going to pick up Molly from the breeders this coming Sunday. We're so excited! However, it is a 7 1/2 hour drive. Does any one have any advice or suggestions as to what we should expect or any ways that might make this trip an easy one for Molly? ( By the way, she is 8 weeks). Thanks so much!

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Have a crate well lined for absorbency. Wouldn't hurt to have paper towels and a trash bag for clean up. Water bowl and some water. Collar and leash. Maybe some Nutri Cal. She should do well. I hold mine for awhile and then I'll put them in the crate to rest and they usually sleep. You'll have to stop along the way so she can potty. It will go well. While your at the breeders allow her time to play and run so she'll be alittle more relaxed for the ride. She may get car sick unless the breeder has taken her for a few drives. All in all she should do fine.


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