When do the female corgis go into heat? Like the exact time frame if that is possible. I'm trying to decide if I need to get her spayed as I noticed my boyfriend's dog sniff Freya's crotch like it's the best smelling thing ever lately and other than certain things about female dogs in heat...I'm pretty clueless as to when they actually start.

Oh my boyfriend's dog is not fixed at all and I really don't want a Weimaraner/Corgi mixed puppies and I don't have the time to be taking care of them either. So...I appreciate all the help.

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i would get her spayed at 5 months if possible. definitely better to do so to prevent her going into heat and endng up with puppies!!
They can come in season as early as six months and some not until over a year. If you are going to spay her plan it now. No need to live through this messy and frustrating time. Also no reason to risk her becoming bred this young. You will also avoid the chances for mammary tumors in the future.
If she's in heat, you'll have to wait a few weeks minimum to get her fixed. We used a doggie diaper that is made of out denim and looks like "Daisy Dukes" on Camber when she was in heat. There's no specific time of the year this happens.

You better stay on top of this or you'll have puppies for sure. We went through two "in season" with Camber before getting her fixed. The second one was right before we had scheduled her spay... What timing!
My vet won't spay Freya younger than 6 months. He said he isn't comfortable sedating a puppy younger than that and if I am worried that she may be going into heat, bring her in and he'll inspect her. Bleh, I was hoping to get it done so I don't have to worry about it.


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