Ok this probably sounds odd but I just noticed when clipping Baxters nails for the first time he only has 4 toes on each paw. Butterball has a thumb like fifth one on his feet as does my other dog. Which one is normal?

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They are both normal. Sounds like Butterball may have his dewclaws, while Baxter does not. Many breeders have the dewclaws removed. My dogs both have four toes; no dewclaws.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dewclaw to learn more about dewclaws!
Ifit is the "thumb" like one that higher on the leg(never touched the floor). that is the dew claw and celeste had the removed when they were little. Emma and Jack don't have them either.
Ok thanks guys I was confused! I do feel bad that Baxter had his removed I would of loved him with 6 toes!!!
WOW, I never noticed it before. . . .My Sid and Babs have that 5th toe only on the front paws but Cloe only has the 4 toes???. . .I guess I don't know what is "normal" either. . . .YEARS ago, I was told by a Vet that the extra toe has no significance, it's like we humans have that little thing called an appendix. . .it absolutely has no value, but we have one anyway. . . .That's evolution for you. . . .
Some Corgis can have a dewclaw on all 4 feet. 4 toes and then the dew claw. I remove any dewclaws from my pups for one..most pups go for pet and if the nail is not kept short or snags something it hurts them. There is a use for the dewclaw and there is arguement now to whether remove them or to keep them since they help w/traction when the dog goes to turn real sharp. Many feel this is why Corgis can tend to trip or roll from the front end and may have rear end problems. Many don't need the dew claw and it is best to remove them not only for cosmetic reasons but to prevent injury.
We had Owen's removed to prevent injury when we took him in to be neutered.. but it was actually traumatic for him (he's a bit of a drama queen). He would shake for months afterwards! Next corgi - I will ask if the breeder does that.
I heard its very painful to have removed at a later date. Like declawing a cat. I do have one female w/one dewclaw on the front the breeder missed. It stays real tight to her leg and I make sure to keep the nail real short. You don't even see it. Thank goodness.


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