What age do the pups usually lose the teeth? Nutmeg had a loose one in front, and I just noticed it's gone. She's 5 months old. Also, does the nipping and knawing (sp?) stop or slow down once the adult teeth are in? Thanks!

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Hey Jacki!!!!!I have to tell you that Superstar already is losing her teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!she has not lost her front ones, just the molars! and She is slowing down on her biting, which is a good thing. I have toys for her and bones so its a great thing! in two days our pups will be 15 months!:)
Nutmeg makes this "grinding" noise, and sometimes it sounds like her teeth aren't lining up and she has to adjust them. Her biting can be out of control at times. My hands look like I'm a lumberjack! I just can't say NO everytime I open my mouth. It will become useless. She has more toys and bones than I have shoes! I'm going to invent a doggie toy that feels like a hand! Make the "skin" impenatrable, and fill it with thick liquid.

I just hope this is a phase.
LO used to make the grinding sound too and I explained it exactly as you did, like the teeth/jaw wasn't lining up. He no longer does it and has all his toofies in. When he gets excited he goes after hands.
hey there :) you must put your foot down about the nipping. i've had a cocker spaniel and a yorkie in the past that never nipped to the degree that our corgi, ein does. it's really synonymous with the breed due to their herding backgrounds. from what other corgi owners have told me, its really important to deter them from doing so, that way they don't feel it's alright for them to be nipping as an adult. our puppy's 5 months old as well and has lost all of his puppy teeth (due to a lot of playing with his toys). the vet told us its a natural process and to not be alarmed at the amount of teeth you'll find on the carpet. i could have made a necklace out of ein's! as for the slowing down of the nipping and gnawing, it technically should since their teeth are no longer bugging them (much like a baby) but don't be surprised if it doesn't or does very little. ein's still nipping so we're really trying to break him of that habit (we have a toddler in the house). hope this info helps!
Elvis chews more since his adult teeth came in. Now that he has stronger teeth, he can go through a lot more. Last night he destroyed a Kong toy (not the original shape...not yet, anyway!), and is often caught with things he's not supposed to chew, like shoes, blankets, and laundry, and bully sticks last him about 10 minutes. I have a pretty hard-core chewer!
At 3 months Freya last almost all of her baby teeth. She still haven't lost her canines--not sure about molars in the back--but yeah her adult teeth are starting to grow in as we speak.

I say that there isn't anything funny than a toothless puppy growling at her brother and showing gums!
Freya is still losing teeth at 4 months...so I do believe it is all very normal. Her biting slowed down a lot as she began to lose her teeth and she slowed down her eating (mainly cause it hurts?)
momo lost most of his baby teeth at 3 months old and got most of his adult teeth replaced by 5 months. he's now 7 months and almost done with teething. He use to nip a lot and does it occasionally now when he wants to play. I usually say no in a loud voice and stand still for a while before continue to walk again or doing anything else, this usually bores him and he stops nipping right away. Hope that helps.
Good afternoon
I have 2 cuties (Hopper and Cricket) that will be a year old in a couple of weeks. Let me tell you teething was NO fun but I found the best cure - ice cubes!!! H & C still love it all I have to do is go near the freezer and there they are, the cutest part is when they play hockey on the vinyl kitchen floor



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