My 1 year old corgi, Sophie was just diagnosed with Lyme Disease ( the vet just called 20 minutes ago and said she tests positivie) I'm really scared, what do I do? I'm nervous! Is this deadly? Anyone who can give me support or advice, anything about lyme disease would be really appreicated!

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Did Sophie have any symptoms? Did you have the Lyme vaccination? My pup was positive a year ago, no symptoms, took Doxycycline for a month (only side effect was that his pink nose spot got an infection, which required a different antibiotic, since Doxy and other tetracyclines cause the skin to be light sensitive), and now tests negative. The vet had told me that having the Lyme vaccination wasn't 100% preventative, but would lessen his symptoms, and we think that's why he was asymptomatic. This year, he tested positive for anaplasmosis (also tick borne), so is on Doxy again for a month. The vet tells me that if you treat it with Doxy and follow through on a full month's dosing, typically they do very well. The danger is not catching it or not treating it promptly. What has your vet prescribed for Sophie? I know JUST how your feel, every time I think about Bertie's diagnoses, I want to cry. I HATE TICKS. I have my dogs tested every 6 months regardless of whether they are showing symptoms, just to be sure.
She doesn't have any symptoms, she's fine. they said they wont treat her unless she shows signs. They want a urine sample to see if it's affecting her kidneys, how am i going to get here to pee or pee in something. They haven't put her on any meds. im soooo worried i have no idea what to do.
My vet believes in very aggressive treatment, and will use a month of doxycycline when a dog tests positive even if the dog is not symptomatic. He also tells me that if your dog has had the vaccination (which both of mine have had), it can lessen symptoms quite a bit. So I would do a little research on lyme (like here) in dogs and call/meet with your vet and go through all your questions. Why is he not going to antibiotics right away? Why wait for kidneys to be affected? And if you're not happy with your vet, and don't get the time and attention you need, ask around and get referrals from your friends with dogs until you find one who allays your fears and explains how your pup is going to be treated/monitored. Lyme is scary and serious, but if you pursue the topic assertively, you should be able to get both good treatment and also the reassurance you need.
Also, being as you are in Mass. (I'm in Litchfield County, CT), Lyme is an epidemic among people and dogs, so you should be able to find a vet who is on the cutting edge of treatment pretty easily. Good luck!
thanks so much susan!
One other thing I forgot to mention. There are actually two kinds of tests they can do -- one is a simple positive/negative (which is the first step, and what your vet did). Then if you authorize/ask for it -- they can do a second test, a titer. This gives a level and so gives you something to compare against, to see if it's rising (infection building) or falling (infection being successfully fought). Just something else to ask your vet about!


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