My Corgi girl is almost 9 months old. For the first time, she cried for hours middle of the night last night. We didn't know what was wrong. This morning I found out there are spots of pee on the floor mixed with some brownish stuff (blood, maybe?) and there is a white spot on my dog's urinary area. I'm not sure if she has started her period or she has an infection maybe? Does anyone have information on that?

Pls help as I'm worried.


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Keep an eye out, if you see brownish / reddish stain on your tile / carpet, then yes, she is in her 2nd week of heat.
I'm not sure if that is blood. It's dark brown color and mixed with her pee. And I found some white discharge on the area too. Is it normal? She has been licking it alot lately.
I didn't know puppy can be in heat - I thought it would only happen after 1 year old...
White discharge is a sign of infection. If she is really in heat, her vajayjay should be swollen plus frequent urination.
Yes it is swollen and she does pee more often than is the white discharge not part of the signs of being in heat??

So she is in heat plus having an infection??

If it is an infection, you really should take her to the vet. Infection in that area can be quick and sometimes deadly if it goes to her uterus. My mom almost lost a dog to pyometra. So, if you are worried and she's definitely not eating normally go to the vet asap.
Uni-Don, sorry about your baby being ill, I hope she feels better soon. It does sound scary to go through, especially since she cried all night.

Since I kind of have the same problem, minus the infecton part, how long does it last and how often a year does it happen? Anyone know?

Hi Norma, it last for 3-4 weeks, twice a year.
Thanks Sam!
When a female comes in season especially for the first time one can see a big change in behaviors. The typical heat cycle lasts 21 - 28 days. In the first week one will see an enlarged vulva with possible spots of a clearer type dischage tinged with blood. As the season continues she will swell more. The second week is typically bright red blood. Week three is much like the first as the swelling begins to abate. At no time in a normal season should there be any other sort of discharge. If you are seeing what appears to be pus she needs to see a vet asap. I would also recommend getting her spayed immediately. Do know that some vets like to wait until the season is over as the reproductive organs are much enlarged and the surgery would be a bit more challenging.
Yes, if it is an infection it could be a pyo. This is nothing to mess around with and can easily kill a dog. If she seems prone to this it will happen again and again. The only permenant cure is spay. I highly recommend it.
Know also that while twice a year is a "normal" heat cycle there are dogs that come in every three to four months. Certainly this causes much more difficulty in the home as ones dog becomes quite moody and generally it makes a mess.
Thank you everyone! I appreciate all of your advice. Last question, so it is safe to have her spayed during the heat season, right?
I just want to make sure.

Many Thanks!!!
Some vets wait until after the puppy is done with heat as the reproductive organs are larger than normal. So call you vet and ask. Either way, if it is a discharge you should see him or her. If it is pyometra they will perform emergency surgery, which would be a spay and it will be costly if that's the case.
Hey everyone! I was gonna post the same thing now! lol. Superstar has been whimpering at night, she wont let me sleep, and when I take her to the bathroom, she gushed out blood everywhere! She hasnt been eating since yesterday, and her diet hasnt changed at all. I saw her vulva and it is sorta swollen! She is relaxed though, what do you think it is?


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