Ein gave us a clue today to what has been causing all of his intestinal problems. He finally went #2 and for one reason or another, the thought entered my mind, "Let me take a look and see if there's any evidence that he's been eating acorns or something like that." I'm so so so very glad that I did. I saw something that I thought looked like an acorn cap and fished it out with a stick. Definitely not an acorn cap. Put on some rubber gloves and grabbed the paper towels.

Ein passed something wider than my thumb and about almost as long. It's curved and I can't figure out what it is. Bone? Rock? Wood? Seems too thick to be rawhide.

I have no clue if this is it or if there's more but the vet's office doesn't do xrays on Saturdays, so unless he gets really sick, we're going to take a wait and see approach. If he gets sicker, we'll take him to the emergency animal hospital.

I'm so glad the we finally have an anwer, or at least part of one. Now if he keeps getting sick, we know what step to take next.

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I had a similar situation a few years ago. The vet recommended eating canned pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling but plain pumpkin. This is a great source of fiber. Check all stools to see if you find any othe objects. I'll bet you just found your cause. Hooray! Keep an eye and see if the vomiting discontinues. I'll cross my fingers.
Good sign that he went, somethings going through! I hope that's it!
Oh goodness! Hopefully that was the only thing that was stuck in there... though knowing little mouths.. one thing leads to another.. >_br />
A great idea though! I hope everything is in the all clear now!
He's certainly acting like he feels better. He's been incredibly playful today and his stub has been going a mile a minute. After two meals of keeping down the bland diet and passing that thing, I tried giving him 1/3 his normal amount of kibble. Two hours later, it was still down, so I gave him the rest. It's been 6.5 hours and so far, no vomitting. I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed.

Thank you all so much for being so supportive through all of this and for keeping him in your thoughts (and dealing with my whining about it). It's much appreciated. :)
Its not whining :) Everyone goes into the 'worried parent' mode with these little pups every now and then! ^_^
Thanks, that makes me feel quite a bit better. :)

I took a few pics since I'm so amazed that he was able to eat anything at all due to the size and shape of it. The bone has been completely wiped clean with paper towels so there aren't any bodily fluids, but I'm still posting just the links so that you don't have to look if you don't want to. The bone itself is brown-ish (the pattern almost reminds me of potato skin on one side and roast beef on the other), but I promise that all you see is the bone and no doggy poo.

flat side:

thicker curved side:

with a standard size house key for size comparison (flat side):

with same key, but thicker/round size:

Seriously, had I known that he had something in there that big and that shape, we would have done surgery, no questions asked. Still monitoring him for any signs that there might be another piece (just in case), but so far he's back to eating normally with no issues.
looks like bark or a part of a old hip bone to me. I dunno why a dog would eat a big ol piece of wood though.... yet.. pups eat anything sometimes so there's no guessing how that would taste good lol.

thats amazing that it got through lol
I'm soooo glad that he is ok!! Looked at the pic, showed the better half and he says - "huh. . .dogs eat weird sh*t." EXACTLY!! :)
hip bone hadn't occured to me. I had bought three long hollow bones filled with peanut butter (we have three dogs) several months ago and they still chew on them every now and then, but for the most part they've ignored them since emptying the peanut butter. I tossed the remainders in the trash last night, even though they were a bleached color, just in case. That's the only bone that WE have given Ein.

However, GregZaffuto's brother (aka Lucas' uncle) often gives table scraps to his Springer pup. Including bringing bones home for her when they eat chicken, ribs, steak, etc. Coco had a rawhide, so he may buy bones for her, too. It is entirely possible that Coco had hidden something and Ein found it. He was over at their house with us several times during the Christmas season.

I admit Ein is a vaccum cleaner. Anything edible, he'll scarf up. Rat blocks that Ronin kicks of of the cage, chinchilla pellets that Pikachu tosses, bird seed that would be on the floor and grandma's house, anything we drop. But I've never seen him pick up anything that didn't resemble food, so I'm leaning more towards bone.

However, our collie did find a piece of turtle shell in the yard about a month ago and was trying to carry it off until I took it from her. I suppose something like that could have smelled good enough that he'd pick it up to eat it.

New rules in our house though. No more bones. No more rawhide except for the really small strips and compressed rawhide sticks. He chews rawhide down until it's small enough that he can swallow it whole. I'd wonder if that object was rawhide, but Lucas said that rawhide would eventually digest, so I'm thinking that a rawhide from November wouldn't be that intact anymore. But digestible or not, now that I've seen what a blockage can do, I'm not giving him any rawhide big enough to cause a problem.
Oh, and he's still eating just fine. Gave him one of his pills for loose stool this morning because he's been a very farty puppy since last night and he had a loose BM this morning. Nothing foreign it that I could see, fortunately. No more vomitting or anything like that. :)


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