silly question. This is my first ever dog, and my first ever corgi, so I'm not too sure about a lot of things. I guess it's sort of a poll. How often do you guys bathe your dogs? I had a trainer that said it should be done once a month, is this enough? and does anyone know about tooth and nail maintenance? I read that if you clip nails at a young age, the quick is supposed to stay shorter (and sometimes ppl clip the quick to make them shorter?<---sounds kind of cruel to me)? thanks in advance

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Assuming that by bathing you mean a shampoo. My understanding is that whenever you bath your Corgi, you remove the oils from their coat, and that is not a good thing. My oldest Corgi, Fox is 11, and he has only been bathed 5 or 6 times total. The oils in their coat work to keep their fur clean naturally. We dry him off if he gets wet or muddy. And of course, in the summer we play with the hose and the sprinkler. On the rare occassion that he rolls in something that really, really stinks, then he gets a shampoo. Maybe others feel differently, but this works for us. We do brush him regularly to heep him looking awesome, and to help reduce the shedding. As far as trimming nails, I have never heard of trimming the quick, it really is painful, and people who do that should be punished. A monthly trim us all that is needed. As far as teeth, we ginve him dental chews once a month or so. We really like the "everlasting chews", his teeth look like they have been professionally cleaned after he finshes one of these.
I'm going to agree with Greg. I have two corgis...and don't really bath them often at all. The 4 month old hasn't had a bath since I got him. And my 1 1/2 year old has had maybe 2 baths...that was last summer due to fertilizer on someones yard we walked across and he had a reaction to it. I actually take him to herding class once a week, I dry him off with a clean towel, and sometimes I will put some water into the tub and stand him in there just to rise his feet and belly off, but just with the water, no shampoo. I brush them once a week to keep them shiny and handsome! The nails....I do it every Monday. I used to do it once a month and the older one was not letting me near his feet anymore. I have found a lite trimming each week keeps him used to me touching his feet and I don't need to trim much. That quick will stay back where it should be if you just keep up with the trimming a little at a time. I would never say to trim the quick....your pup may never let you near his feet again!!!! It really hurts them and it bleeds forever!!! That just sounds mean to me.

Good luck with your pup!!!
I do the nails every other week. If I try to clip them when they're a little long, Hamlet seems to be more nervous and panicky. If I keep up with them, he's much better about it. I would never clip the quick! The vet nicked the quick on my bridge corgi, Fletcher, and he hadn't minded nail trims before that and absolutely hated them after. He even used to make that high-pitched yelp when someone came toward him with nail clippers- i.e., before they touched his foot.

Fletcher used to be fine without baths - never really stinky as long as we brushed him and toweled him off after he got rained on, etc. But Hammy has a different type of fur- it's very course and it gets stinky easily. I've been bathing him a little more than once a month. He has other issues though (skin issues that are treated with a special shampoo) so that may play into it for me.
Hi! I sure don't think most corgis need a bath once per month. Scout gets a bath at a "do-it-yourself" dog wash place about twice a year. He enjoys this because there are other dogs around. He usually stays pretty clean; has a "kiddy pool" in the yard in the summer to keep cool in, and he loves it! Nails: I trim them when they need it, but we have had a couple "accidents" when I got the quick by mistake, so Scout does not like the trimming, and I have to bribe him with treats. Scout's breeder sands down her dog's nails with a dremel tool, and I think this is the right way to go, but you have to get your pup used to the noise. Her website has some great information on how to dremel dog's nails: do a search for Castell Corgis. Scout's teeth stay very clean because he chews on very hard rolled rawhide chews. But his vet says be very careful with rawhide chews; if large pieces are swallowed they can obstruct bowels. We watch him carefully, and only let him chew a little at a time. If they chew becomes very small, we take it away so he won't swallow it.
thanks for all your replies. I had no idea how helpful forums like this could be! It's good to know there's sites out there like this, and good ppl out there with such helpful experiences to share.
Thanks for starting this. We inherited a Corgi who DOES NOT LIKE to have his feet touched or nails clipped--PERIOD. It is like torture for the vet or the pet place to do it, as in it takes three of us--two holders and one person clipping. Though I noticed this last time he was better with women doing it--not any easier--just better about it. Any suggestions?

Edward doesn't particularly like to be brushed either but mostly he is a big whiner about it.
About the "DON'T TOUCH MY FEET" syndrome, or at least that it what I call it. My 11yr old boy Fox always does better with strangers. He cries like a baby when I simply try to trim the hair on his feet. I think it is because he knows that his crying works on me, and I will stop. Once he realizes that his tactics won't work on a groomer, he quiets right down. He does continue to try to pull his feet away, but not at all like he does with me.
Hi, sorry but glad to hear you know the DON'T TOUCH MY FEET thing! Edward goes into whirling dirvish mode...crying/whimper/oh-poor-me is always just the beginning. He know that won't end a grooming session with me...but nails you just can't hold him still without three people....and a muzzle....I've never even attempted to trim the hair on his feet--I'm sure I would cut my own finger off instead!
My corgi, Sparty, ripped a nail half off when he was young. The vet had to finish the job. It damaged his nail bed and has ripped about once a year since. He is ten. So trimming him is difficult. I let the vet do it because he doesn't like them anyway. He is a real baby about brushing as well. I have always thought his problem is at least partially due to his extreme allergies. We give him allergy shots once a month. He is pretty touchy about a lot of things though. My other corgi will tolerate anything.
Mini hates to have her feet touched to begin with , we had her nails done only 2 times so far and she is 6 months now. She screams like we are murdering her, and this has been done by my friend who IS A DOG GROOMER, and she really sruggles with Mini. I don't know what to do cause i don't want her to be afraid of us eventually.
What kind of brushes do you guys use, i got the "Snap-N-Clear" brush that is said to be easy to brush the dog and also easy to clean. But it doesn't seem to collect any hair or really work at all.

What seems to work for you and your corgis?!
I would also like to knw what kind of brushes are being used, my Kipper won't let me brush him ever! He whines and tries to get away. He also hates baths, he only gets they a few times every three months because he gets very dirty but I don't want to wash him to much becasue of his oils and his skin.

Also If I try to pet another dog Kipper gets very upset, what should I do about this?


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