I recently found out that some breeders have the Pembroke tails docked. I was completely unaware that this still happens to any breed and thought that all Pembrokes were born with the short tails. Does anyone know more about this? Honestly it made me sick to my stomach to think that little Gonzo could have had his tail chopped off as a puppy.

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Not at all :) I find stuff like this interesting!
Tail docking has been banned in Sweden for several years. And I think that tail docking is banned in most European countries.

Docked dogs are nowadays disqualified at Swedish dog shows.

Here quite a few Pembroke puppies are born with very short tails like this puppy (the grown-up Pem in the the picture has a long tail):

Some Pems are born with half-long or long tails tails like these puppies. Long-tailed Pems are doing quite well at the dog shows in Sweden.

Why cut off such beautiful - and useful - Pembroke tails? I'm glad that Cardigan tails aren't cut off in any country. Dogs "speak" with their tails...

Our Cardigan Frodo is very proud of his foxy tail! And I love it as well.

Frodo - Cardigan
Thansk for the pictures! I never knew that a Pembroke's tail was curled like that. And that Cardigan tail is very foxy! haha
The long Pembroke tails are not always curled like the ones I showed in the pictures above. But they - just like the Cardigans - hold their tails high when they are playing - or proudly "showing off". (Showing their moods...)

Here is a picture of a very successful male Pembroke - a Swedish champion - holding his beautiful long tail very low:

Pembroke (long tail) - Swedish Champion male

An all Cardigans don't have our Frodo's very thick foxy tail. That's why he's so proud of it...

Cardigan - Swedish and Norwegian Champion Verdidas Frodo - happily playing and holding his tail high...
Thanks for those great pictures! I need to get a good one of my Pem Griff's tail, as it is quite epic!
Can't wait to see your Pembroke Griff's fluffy tail, JW!

While I'm waiting - here are a couple of pictures of another flutffy Pem. He was born with a naturally short "bob tail" - and he belongs to a friend of ours :

Fluffy Pembroke - "Mackan" - short tail

And here the fluffy Pembroke "Mackan" says "hello" to my Cardigan Tina - when she was a little puppy:

Pembroke fluff Mackan (natural "bob-tail") and our Cardigan puppy Tina
ohhh fluffs are so pretty :) I like both looks though, the short haired and the fluff butts ;)

Im sure they had fun!
wow I absolutely love all the pictures of the pem's with tails!! I used to think Louis was the only one =[ But now I know he's defiantly not!
This is Louis when he was about 10wks looking at his tail
The theory that I read somewhere is that Welsh farmers were taxed on livestock by "size" and sine the corgi was part of the livestock, the farmers would dock the tail in order to not pay taxes on it! don't know if this is true, or if it's like tha faires riding them, but it's the only one I've heard
I had heard that some Pems are born with naturally short tails and some are still docked. I've never known for sure, but I suspect that he has a natural bob tail. It seems a bit longer than most Pem stubs. Could just be the way it was docked, though, so I'll never really know for sure.
Several breeders told me that usually Pems born with natural "bob tails" still have to be docked. The natural bob tail is usually still longer than the AKC breed standard requirement.


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