The past 2 or 3 days I've noticed Eddy has pretty bloodshot eyes during most of his waking hours. Like he looks REALLY tired. There are what appears to be 2 tiny burst vessels right outside the iris, in the whites. I have to gently pull back his lid to see them. And then most of the whites just look pinkish, bloodshot. He plays hard, sleeps a lot, and doesn't tug very much on his leash. His collar is loose, I can fit two fingers easily around it. Also, they don't bother him, they're not dry eyes, there's no crusties or pus or anything obviously weird. What else could be causing this?

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Check the corner of his eye and see if there's anything swollen, sometimes it could be an ingrown eye lash, see if he's been pawing his eye, you can use regular saline to flush out the area, this will help reducing irritation. Got a pic?
His inner eyelid in the inner corner is sometimes more visible than expected, like he looks like he just woke up at times when he hasn't, or like he's a basset hound or something. And no his eye doesn't seem to bother him, he's never pawing or rubbing his face against things. Also, the condition gets better and worse randomly, his eyes look fine sometimes, but mostly they're bloodshot.. Thanks about the saline flush I'll try that.
Finnigan's eyes get really red at times. I use a doggy eye rinse once in a while. They are supposed to clear out the tear ducts and reduce redness due to various things such as allergies. I have a feeling it is allergy related but I can't be sure.
I just took my corgi for her annual checkup and the vet noticed that her eyes were a little bloodshot and after a few minutes of checking her out announced that Brynn had allergies and that I should not worry.


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