In the short time we have had Tucker we have dealt with a couple of bouts of diarrhea and most recently goopy poop evey time he went for a few days.

I brought a few samples to the doctor and it tested negative for parasites/worms. He is acting and eating fine and not going more often than normal - so we didn't think it was anything more serious. We decided to try some probiotics - the vet gave us beef flavored probiotic paste and some capsules. By the next morning he was back to normal poops! It has been 3 days and all normal!

When we run out of the paste/capsuls will yogurt be enough to maintain this happy balance of bacteria in his belly? Any other recommendations? Thanks!


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Like you, we give Kiwi yogurt, but we've also started mixing in some pumpkin (pure pumpkin not the pumpkin pie filling) with Kiwi's food. You can get it at any grocery store, normally in the baking section. It has helped Kiwi with both soft poops and poops that are too hard. We normally mix in about a tsp to a tbsp...somewhere in between. Hope this helps :).


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