The first time Willie barked was after he been with me for about 2 weeks and then it wasn't a bark, more of a short 'hooof'. Recently he has made a couple of sharp barks but then immediately looks at me like he did something wrong. I tell him he's a good boy when he does make the "hooof" and the "whup" sounds and when he has actually barked. He goes to work with me every day and never barks.
He did run the fence line (2 acres with dogs on both sides and lots of foot and bike traffic in the front)at my folks house during the holidays with my mums dogs he barked some but not much even then.
He groans when he does the on the back wiggle. He doesn't whine and only yipped once when he tripped me and I stepped on him. (tweaked my knee he was fine)
Everything I have read says that Corgi's are very vocal. So far my cats make more noise than he does.
He's happy, healthy and alert. I'm sure there was some abuse at his previous home and he is head shy and afraid if strangers, specially tall people, come at him too fast.
So I guess my question is - is this normal behavior or something I need to get checked out or just wait until he has settled in for more than 2.5 months?

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Dundee was a puppymill rescue (owner surrendered to animal shelter) and it was about 4 - 6 months before he would bark at noises or people walking in front of the house. We've had him since the end of November 2006. Give Willie as much time as he needs to adjust and feel comfortable. You may also want to take him to Petsmart, the park, and other public places to get him used to being with other people and dogs.

We belong to a therapy dog group called Paws For Patients and we started bringing Dundee with us to our weekly meetings. At first he wouldn't leave from underneath our seats and would either growl or be snappy at people and dogs. Now you can pet him and he's a very loving sweet boy. It did take us about 4 - 6 months before I could put a collar and hook a leash on him without being afraid of being bitten. Until then I had to used a slip leash to take him outside to do his business.

Good luck with Willie.
Some dogs bark more than others. While Corgis are more vocal than the average dog breed, I wouldn't worry about anything being wrong with a quieter Corgi. His previous owners may have taught him not to bark so much, or he may just need more time to settle into your home and feel more confident. He sounds pretty well adjusted, and lucky to have a good doggie mom. :)
I would be thanking my lucky stars.....indeed they are a vocal breed. I would not consider this abnormal behavior though. I have a few corgis that rarely bark. Two and a half months is really not a long time in a new home. Some dogs dont feel at ease for quite a period of time. There are many new events, new exposures and a new lifestyle. I suspect once he feels truly at ease he will bark at the appropriate times.
Don't worry about it. My previous corgi, Roy was a real quiet one. He was so quiet until my neighbours thought he was mute. He would only bark at cats. You are lucky that your corgi does not bark so much. I wish my present corgi, Ritz would bark less, not that he barks too much but he is noisier than my beloved Roy. ;o)
Thank you all for the replies. I kinda figured I was worrying too much :-) As for socialization. He goes everywhere with me including work so he sees lots of folks and dogs when we take our walks during the day. He thinks the vet's a place where everyone gives you treats. He goes in with me when I pick up kitty food or take one to the vet.
It sounds like you have a really fabulous dog. :) He may also have taken his barking queues from his previous pack (the german shepherds). If they were not big barkers, he may have learned from them not to bark a lot.

Keep up the good work!
Was he adopted? My only thought was that his previous owners might have severly disciplined him when he barked.
oops, never mind, i just actually read the whole thing. haha! yeah, it sounds like to me he might have been beaten when he barked, and since you DID adopt him, that's pretty much what i would devise.
Chloe never barks (only when theres a loud noise)! She groans alot though... Which is still cute :) I enjoy a dog not barking though. Its so quiet.. And we just got her from a breeder..
My corgi doesnt bark either, she will occasionally when we play with her but she's an awesome quiet dog!!!
My puppy is 8 months and hardly if ever barks, maybe once a week a quick bark, I've been told that she would "find her voice" but I really hope not! I bring her to work with me and she's perfectly quiet under my desk while I meet with clients. I have a pretty quiet life-style with her and there's no yelling or other dogs, could this be the reason she doesn't react vocally? because I don't react vocally to her? She nips and growls while playing, but even around my brother's shreaking kids, she never barked.
I think it's fine :) My Vienna is not a vocal corgi either, she prefers action, when she needs me, she use her paws to tap me to get my attention, she also stand on her hind legs to get my attention when I'm in front of the TV. The only time she makes any sound or bark is when someone ring the door bell, or strangers approaching our home.


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