For a few months, I've noticed a giant black spot over the side of my 9 month, female, spayed corgi. Then it seems like a few more spots appeared. They look like bruises to me.

A few days ago I noticed a few more spots appeared. I also noticed a black area under her tail, by her butt. I'm now getting worried that it might be something serious.

Does anyone have any clues what's going on with her?

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It's hard to tell what you are talking about without a picture. My corgi has black spots on the pads of his paws and one on his nose you can see through the fur. I think he has some on his body too, but can't remember... They are natural discoloration of the skin on my corgi. Maybe you are talking about the same thing and are a little paranoid about it and now you are just noticing them more? I don't know if this helps. But, if you think she is really getting new spots... and they change size/color... you will want to get her checked out by your vet.
I seem to remember reading in this forum somewhere (and go figure, I can't find it now) about the belly pigmentation changing as our pups mature. They are like big ol' freckles. Sid has some now that he did not have when he was younger. I don't think it's anything to worry about. But if you see the vet and they tell you otherwise, please let us know!
Lets see it! Got a pic?
Could be allergies. One of my dogs used to get mottled skin when the warm weather came around...she was allergic to ant and flea bites.
I'll see if I can get a picture sometime soon.


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