Lyla comes home tomorrow! It's been a crazy week, and at times I wondered if I wasn't crazy to even think about throwing a new puppy in on top of it all, but now that it's here, I'm so excited I can't stand it!

I finally did to get to close on the house on Wednesday, but only after my car broke down 10 minutes before closing! The car is still not working, but I am crossing my fingers for an easy (and cheap!) solution. Add all that on to 3 days of running around behind the scenes at an internationally attended conference, and I am exhuasted!

I pick Lyla up tomorrow right after church and think I have everything I need. I picked up her food and a couple more toys this evening. I just can't wait to see her again! It's been 5 or 6 weeks since I last saw her! I just hope big brother Sky is ready for the change! (Any suggestions about adding in a second dog would be greatly appreciated!)

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Comment by Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom on May 1, 2009 at 9:19pm
How is your new pup adapting? I hope you are taking lots of pictures and will have fun with her!
Comment by Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom on April 26, 2009 at 12:17pm
Awesome! Congrats on the new corgi furchild. At least your hectic week is behind you, and you can enjoy the new pup. The best advice I can give, is to give the older dog, and the new puppy "personal space" and personal attention. Most dogs will get along with the new puppy. He might even take on that "big brother" role, typical of humans. Be sure to post her pictures!
Comment by Sam Tsang on April 26, 2009 at 9:43am
Yes, your answer is in the FAQ, read up on it and you should be fine. Congrats!

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