Ohhh... when it rains it pours! Lyla seems to be having another issue now (the vaginal discharge was thought by another vet to be vaginitis, a common problem in female puppies). Now, Lyla is having problems with the other waste removal system!

This morning she went outside to do her business, as always, and had a bowel movement. The strange thing about it was it started out normal and solid and ended in diarrhea. At lunch nothing, and then this evening it was the same thing, regular stool and then liquid. I have never seen this before.

We have an apointment with the vet tomorrow already to get shots (although, she might not be getting her shots if she is ill), so I will talk to the vet about it then. In the meantime though, she is acting just like her regular self. The only odd thing is that she isn't drinking as much as she normally does. I even put a little gatorade in her water to intice her, and that still didn't do the trick. Any tips for what I can do until we see the vet tomorrow afternoon and/or has any heard of this solid stool/liquid stool bowel movements?

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Atlas had diarrhea at the tail end of his bowel movements almost every day when he was a pup. Obviously it's good to get the vet to look at her, but I would just contribute it to the fact that she's a growing puppy, her body is changing, the flora in her gut are changing, and because she is a corgi she is probably eating every thing she encounters.
Also try adding a tiny bit of chicken bullion to her water dish if you are concerned about her water intake.
Bring a sample with you to the vet, too. It is also common for puppies to have picked up a tummy parasite here and there, and the symptoms can really vary. Best if the vet has a sample to really look at. My pups like ice, too -- they play with the cubes and crunch them down.
Sadie had loose stools not that long ago and we went to the vet to get her checked out. Luckily I didn't need to bring in a sample because they were able to get some on their own, but we found out she had Round Worms and some parasite that starts with a G (i don't have the paper with me) so she had to eat powdered medicine for 6 days. I am not saying that your little puppy has worms or a parasite, but it is definitely good to get checked out.
Thanks everyone for the advice. Lyla did get a stool sample checked out at the vet yesterday, and it came back negative for everything. The vet went ahead and put her on an antibiotic wormer though just in case. She was well enough to get her boosters though, thank goodness!
Glad to hear it, hope the situation has cleared up. Poor little puppy. I bet the parasite starting with G mentioned above was giardia? It's very common, I've had it myself, as has Bertie. You get it from drinking water that certain other animals have popped in...gross, but there it is! Bertie got it from drinking out of puddles in Central Park, of all places!
ein has bowel movements like that some times. he's only 8 months now so it's actually pretty common to have it here and there as most puppies do. corgis are real sensitive dogs and their bodies tend to react pretty quickly to change. ein will even have a bloody stool on occasion when he's stressed (like when he got neutered). so if you took lyla in and she checked out OK then i wouldn't worry about it too much :) i strongly suggest the ice cubes. ein just loves playing with them!


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